Ch 13: Kiss me, Hug me, Fuck me, Love me.

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Vega POV:

I woke up with my alarm blaring at me and Wulf -still half asleep- holding me firmly against him.  

more accurately, he was pressing my ass against his prominent yet covered hard on. 

Gotta love Wulf, even pretty much unconscious he knows what he wants, "turn it off babe before I fuck you so hard you forget why you set the alarm in the first place."'

I reached over and turned of my alarm, not even minutes later, his grip loosened on me and his breathing slowed.

Its amazing really, how easy it is for this boy to go back to sleep on a monday.

I wiggled out of his grip and away from the bed, plucking up one of his button ups he had yet to hang up from his recent dry-cleaning and tossing it over my yoga shorts and unlined lace bra. "baby..I'm going to start breakfast since the chef isn't even awake yet. get up and make us some coffee."

He groaned into his pillow, "The fucking chef isn't awake because it 5 fucking 30 am."

I rolled my eyes at him, "I stopped getting up at four for my morning runs. be happy."

He groaned out something about danger and my hot little ass before he drifted off again.

"Ten minutes baby. I want your ass downstairs making me my morning cup of coffee in ten minutes."

I padded from the room before he could respond, trying to stay as quiet as I could as I tiptoed into the kitchen.

Which happened to be full of out of uniform police officers. 

All of them were still proudly wearing their badges though.

I swallowed hard as uncle Tom glanced at me, "Vega if your daddy say you like this we would all be dead men."

I pursed my lips, "I sleep in his shirt uncle Tom its not the end of the world."

"In a separate room?"

Well I was supposed to be. I have my own room here full of clothes and things as per agreement with the police in Wulf..he gets to have me here at least 3 days a week. But I'm supposed to be in a separate room. 

I feel like a child with two parents fighting for custody sometimes. "of course, that was the deal."

The older cop didnt look like he believed me, "Just be careful Vega. you're too smart for stupid mistakes."

I nodded. " that this awkward moment is passing, would you guys like breakfast?"

they nodded, one of the younger ones asking where Wulf was. 

I didn't even think, "still asleep."

Uncle Tom hummed, flipping through the paper, "Right little bear, and you know that from your separate room how?"

Ah. crap. "I demanded he wake up and make me coffee."

He paused, "well. that is believable. what is with that machine anyways? hasn't the boy ever heard of instant?"

I groaned, "I know right he knows all these crazy fancy ass coffee things and grinds the damn beans himself he's like a barista. Which is cool sometimes but when I want an early morning cup. it sucks."

The older man rumbled out a laugh. "You chose to date a rich boy this is what you get."

As if on cue, Wulf sauntered into the room, blonde hair rumpled and scowl on his face.

Somehow he made the half asleep 'I just rolled my ass out of bed.' look sexy as hell.

Pretty much on autopilot Wulf walked directly toward me, wrapping his arms around my body and burying his face in my hair, "I got my ass outside of bed in 5. you owe me."

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