Ch 8: Bo

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Vega POV:

"Okay so take me through this once more, one of these IUDs only lasts only 5 years and can change and or stop my period as a side effect which isn't very good for me, one lasts ten years and i can have sex right after you put it in unlike the others, but can cause bleeding and discomfort, and one lasts three but can turn my period from a waterfall to a tsunami?"

The doctor didnt even look up from his papers as I sat with him in his 'in house' office which was really just a clinic in the Nights mansion. "Yes. But i recommend the ten year..its more reliable"

"Would that 'more relatable' be by a stupid random number like 0.0324?"

Pursing his lips he nodded.

"Fuck that copper death trap ill meet you half way. 5 years and maybe weird periods."

He sighed, "wulf..."

"Doesn't have the vagina. I do. He can wait four more days or so for sex."

The doctor was visibly irritated, "he pays me kid, he gets final say."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "or i can tell him I no longer want an IUD because you make me feel uncomfortable and he's not getting laid either way because of you. See what happens to your pay then."

His jaw dropped.

I crossed my legs and smirked, "Wulf may own all your asses but all it will take is a few little words from me and you are finished. Like I said. I'm the one with the vagina. My word is final."

He just gaped at me.

I smiled warmly, "so we are going with the 5 year. awesome. I'll tell Wulf he can come in so we can discuss it."

The doctor was still in a state of shock as I texted Wulf.

The blonde insisted he stay in the loop for this.

any health risk. he wanted to know. which one I'm getting he wanted to know.

Boy is becoming way too familiar with the workings of my vagina.

Didn't take long for him to appear in the office, looking disgruntled, "the fuck do you mean I can't have sex with you?" he looked to the doctor, "I don't pay you to make it so I can't get laid."

The older man recovered from his shock and sent me a slight glare, "I suggested the one that meant she could have intercourse the same day it was put in."


Wulf rose a brow at me, "what the hell babe?"

"you like my vagina, I want it healthy its my choice."

He stared at me for a moment. "what the fuck could an IUD do to your vagina thats so bad?"

"tear my lady bits and make me bleed. pretty sure you get less sex if I got a tear."

"...ah. okay. women are too complicated. whatever you want babe." He flopped into a nearby chair, "So how long does this shit take doc Vega and I have stuff to do."

I glanced at Wulfs ankle monitor, cutting off the doctor before he could speak. "we do? where you can't go anywhere."

"Its on the property."

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