Ch 29: Honesty

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Vega POV

I curled into a familiar warmth, burying my face into soft cotton.

Arms wrapped around me, "Vega...beautiful, I'm sorry."

I went still, memories rushing back to me.

Suddenly the warmth of his arms was not what I wanted, "Get off of me."

the blonde hesitated then complied letting me go. He watches curiously as i sat up and cringed, "babe, I have some ice for you, lie down those episodes always give you migraines."

It was true my head was pounding, I was dying for some cool relief and maybe some caffeine. Normally I would lie back and allow Wulf to dote on me. He's always full of soft kisses and gentle caresses when taking care of me after an attack.

But I couldn't allow that, not now.

He lied.

He could have gotten his future thrown away.

Our future. "No. I don't want to lie down. I'm going home."

He just stared at me for a second, "Vega, you are in no condition to head home alone. At least relax here until you are fully recovered."

I shook my head, "I dont even want to breathe the same air as you right now Wulf, how could you? How could you risk everything for a party?! You blew me off to drug some cops and throw a rager!"

His deep emerald eyes searched my face, "I didn't throw the party Vega. By the time I caught wind of it everyone was already on their way and overly excited."

"So you lied to me and let them endanger our future together. Wulf, how does that make any sense I may not be as smart as you but I'm not dumb enough to take that at face value. I turn a blind eye to a lot of shit you do. Not anymore."

"Your not dumb Hawaii."

I grit my teeth, "then stop making me feel like an idiot for ever trusting you."

The room grew utterly silent as I watched his jaw work in the dim lighting, "I don't mean to do this to you. There has just been so much on your plate..."

"Wulf." I cut him off, lump growing in my throat, "what are you not telling me."

He looked at me, his look half sadness half pout like he couldn't decide if he wanted to just face what was coming or try to worm his way out.

I looked at my hands, "are you cheating on me?"

"No!" His reply was sharp, disgusted even, "never Vega, I don't even want to think about another womans hands on me. I love you."

"Have you been doing more illegal things?"

"Vega.." he sighed, "you know I have."

"Anything I don't know about?"


"Anything you lied about?"


"I can't be with you if you cant tell me what sort of danger your in."

He took in a sharp breath, "how do I know you wont leave me either way?"

I don't think I could leave him even if I wanted to. I feel like I would shatter into a thousand little pieces. "You don't."

"Yes. I lied and have been hiding things from you."

I bit my lip, wanting to cry.

"I wanted to protect you Hawaii please try to understand that. The less you know the safer you are."

I sniffed, "I don't want safe Wulf. If I wanted safe I would never have started seeing you. I want you."

He cursed under his breath, "don't cry baby. Please dont cry. Beat the living hell outa me if you want, you have shed enough tears tonight."

I wiped my eyes, "tell me. Tell me what you're up to."

"If i get caught then you might-"


The boy practically shattered when my voice cracked. "Okay. I will, just please come here, I cant stand to see you like this."

I shook my head, "tell me first."

He frowned but didn't argue. "No details though."

We can argue that later, "why was this party happening."

"It..." he hesitated, "...the men through it as my official congratulations as the new head of the night families empire."

I felt more tears flowing, "your taking over where your dad left off."

"No! No..we wont do human trafficking anymore. You hated that right? So I ordered everyone to be released and we wont be dealing in that anymore. And in turn no more sex trafficking, just weapons and drugs."

I shook my head, "you are going to ruin your life."

"Im still going to college, maybe one day I can leave this all behind but Vega its all I have ever known. Nothing is going to happen to me, to us." He carefully pulled me into his arm, "please just try and relax this isnt good for your health."

"Your not good for my health you fucking dick."

"I know." He murmured, "and I'm sorry baby but this is just who I am. I love you and want protect you from this. All of it."

I shook my head, "no."

"No? I can make it up to you I promise just dont-"

"I dont know what I'm going to do with you right now. But if you love me then you wont leave me in the dark."

"Okay." He nodded, "ill be more honest with you, it you have to listen to me if I say you are in danger okay?"

"Okay. If I forgive you."

"Okay. You're in danger of an even worse headache so you are going to take this ice, lie back on the bed and cuddle me while I pout and tell you how pretty you are until you forgive me." He gently pressed me back down onto the mattress.

"I am furious at you but hurt too much to properly yell at you."

"Prettier than every damn star in every damn galaxy."

I just shook my head at him as he repositioned us.

When I woke up less exhausted I was going to get mad.

And probably throw him down the stairs.

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