Ch 14: The World of Wulf

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Vega POV:

The rest of the school day went normal, Franny and Abe joining us for a while during lunch and the classes drifting by slowly.

It was when Wulf and I were escorted to his place that things got mildly interesting.

Apparently there was this massive robbery and shooting in the next town over, one that was even smaller than ours, and most everyone on the police force here went to help.

So the house was left alone.

Everyone was relaxed again and Wulf hasn't let go of me. 

He was currently kissing over my neck and shoulders as I sit on his lap.

I sighed softly in pleasure as he nipped one of my sensitive spots, "Wulf.."


"You know everything will change can't be long until that therapist psychologist or whatever they required you to see states whether you are fit for trial. and if you are, they are going to want you to start talking. If you're not..."

He huffed, "killing the mood Vega. hope you don't plan on doing that when we play pet and master."

I hummed at him, "so..why did you have the bank robbed, no one better have died."

he smiled sweetly, "I have no idea what you are talking about." 

Pursing my lips I decided to let this one go. I was sure wulf was up to things he didn't want me to see. which meant I should save my energy for a bigger problem I was sure was to arise. So instead I traced my nails lightly over his chest in that way that always made him want me. 

One thing I learned from being with Wulf is that he likes it on the animal side, he doesn't care if after we get going it hurts a bit, he even like it that way. He likes my nails digging into his back, he likes it when I make him bleed sometimes, he likes it when I sink my teeth into his shoulder so hard it leaves a mark for days.

In return he makes it hurt sometimes too. returning the bites, smacking my ass, holding me down and taking what he wants. 

there have been times when we both finished with marks marring our skin. 

And then there are times when he worships my body, kissing, licking, sucking on my sensitive spots. wulf isn't one to take it slow, he's not patient enough to take it slow but he manages to make love to me none the less.

His teeth scraped the column of my neck, "you're thinking instead of paying attention to me."

I barked out a laugh, "oh no, the world is ending."

"Mine is. I don't like when your thoughts take you from me."

I shifted to straddle him, "well, aren't we needy today."

"I'm needy every day but you rarely neglect me long enough for it to show."

I laughed again, cupping his cheek, "well if it help I was thinking of you."

His brows shot up, "my dick or that thing I did with my tongue this morning?"

Biting my lip at the reminder I blushed, "neither, well sort of.. not really, I was thinking about our sex life."

"we have an amazing sex life."

"I know."

He looked pretty pleased with himself. Wulf was the type of man who didnt need me to praise him when it came to sex, he already knew how well he made my toes curl. but he did enjoy when I stroked his ego. 

This boy was confident in almost everything when it came to us..but his attachment to me, to keeping me so close all the time hinted at some underlying issues I knew he had. 

It was just a matter of whether they were abandonment issues, or insecurity about his ability to keep me happy, or maybe both. maybe something else entirely.

I decided to test something. "you're sexy Wulf."

He laughed, "I know."

"you're ridiculously good in bed."

His grin turned cheeky, "I know. aren't we full of the obvious today."

I shook my head, "you have a great-"

"dick, I know baby, no need for the praise."

"you're annoyingly smart."

"I know."

I shook my head smiling softly at him, "I love you."

He seemed to falter. and then I saw it. 

Sometimes Wulf would look at the men a certain way when they were recanting events to him, searching for signs of deception. 

He had that same look in his eyes now before he finally melted into a smile, "I know. I love you too."

I snuggled closer to him, "I'm not going anywhere."

He huffed, "of course you wont. I wouldn't let you and even if you managed to leave, I would just fucking kidnap you."

I didn't miss his grip tighten on me. 

It was odd. Wulf hadn't doubted my love for him until recently.

I briefly wondered what happened to make it like that but decided I would just prove it to him again and again until he stopped being an idiot.

after all, nothing says I love you like latex lingerie a blindfold and a bottle of chocolate syrup.

Or at least thats how it works in the world of Wulf.

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