Ch 17: Draw on me

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Harlow Frost isn't what you would call a normal teenage girl.

Sure she's angsty, and blunt to a fault. But that just comes with being the daughter of a former gang leader and sister of a current one.

Seductive when she needs to be Harlow knows just how to make a man fall to his knees.

Conveniently she also knows how to put a bullet in his head without getting blood on her shoes.

But what happens when her gang, her own brother, betrays her for their own benefit, leaving her to their long time rivals?...

A very bad girl gets a hell of a lot worse.


"What the fuck did you just say to me?"

"I said I wasn't surprised by your blatant teenage rebellion considering where you come from."

I squinted up at the bastard. Vodka loving mother russia fucking bitch..."Yeah? Well at least I didn't name my gang after a line in Humpty-fucking-Dumpty."

His eyes narrowed at me.

Grinning dangerously I leaned a bit closer to Dimitri, "And all The Kings Men couldn't put the Russians balls back together again."


Vega POV:

Its not nearly said enough how sexy a mans groan can be.

Take my beowulf for example. When I'm ontop of him, running my nails over his chest as I fuck the living hell out of that boy, he bites his lip in the most sensual way deep purring groans escaping his throat.

He gets even sexier when told he can't touch.

Grinding against him I moaned softly, "you're being so good for me right now Wulfie."

He practically growled at me as I shot his white knuckled grip on the sheets a pointed look. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you wont even be able t-" 

He let out a sting of curses as I started moving on top of him again.

I know my man. I know what he likes. And I know how to get the best sex out of him.

Rile him up and watch what happens when he's set loose.

I did need to cum though, and when he was in control the orgasms were always better.

But...I kinda like the set to his jaw when he was denied what he wanted.

Some dark part of me just want to tease him and prod at him until he snapped. put me on all fours, spanked me until I begged, and then fucked me so hard I wouldn't be walking straight for days.

The rest of me knew I needed to be able to do something other than lie in a sex coma.

And fuck was it hot that he respected my no touching rule. 

I mean really, the man looked like he was going to break something with the restraint he was pulling out of thin air just to not touch me.

He obviously knew how to get good sex our of me too.

Let me do whatever the hell I wanted.

Moaning softly as I slowed my pace -causing him to growl out an irritate sound- licking my lips, "next time..I'll spare you the self restraint."

We were both practically panting with the slow sweet torture I was bring to both our bodies. But I could always trust Wulf to throw in his two cents. "gonna do it face down ass up next time then?"

I half laughed half moaned. halting all movement just because I knew it would irritate him. But to be honest. Having something that big inside you with zero movement tends to do brain damage. "No.." I gripped his shoulders, "I'll just tie you up next time."

He flexed his hips, writing another moan from me, "or. you can let me do as I want to you right now and worry about next time later."

I muled this over, "I want to stay on top."

Hands moving to grip my hips, he scoffed, "no fucking way. After torturing me with the sight of your tits and that agonizing slow-stop pace you made me endure for half of a fucking hour. I'm going to completely ruin your pussy."

...charming this one. "you already have idiot. I dont think I could ever fuck someone else."

He rolled his eyes, "Like your going to have the energy after what you put my poor balls and dick through. Fuckin hurts not to get what I want."

"boo hoo baby wul-"

I squealed as he rolled us over, not even missing a beat as he thrust inside me. 

Another surprised sound followed by the lewdest 'oh' that has ever left my lips.

Gripping my hips with more pressure he kissed a heated trail over my skin, starting a hard, overwhelming pace. that I knew was going to have me screaming and Wulfs headboard hitting the wall in no time.

Sex with him was never boring. not when he still kept up his firm belief in just doing what feels good.


Wulf rolled off me as I caught my breath, "that.."

"Was the best fucking orgasm you have ever had?"

I nodded, dumbfounded, "but.."

"It was because I for lack of a better word, choked you?"

Another noted, "wh-"

"Why? well erotic asphyxiation is a strange sort of kink babe, most people dont do it because you know, done wrong you can like pass out or well die and thats fucking scary. But thats not why its strange, generally it brings pleasure for both sides, for the one receiving it because the lessened oxygen to the brain causes a sense of euphoria and heightens pleasure and in turn orgasm. for the one who's well doing the choking gets pleasure from their partners pleasure. strange right? although I'm sure how fucking hot you were when you came like that was part of it."


"Are never doing this again?"

I laughed a bit, biting my lip, "I was going to say we should do this more often."

Humming he pulled my naked body to him, burring his face in my hair, "well sometimes, no one ever said it was healthy for you. it also means I have to wait before jumping you again."

I snuggled into him, kissing his jaw softly, "why?"

"because I love you and you really should rest more after being subjected to this to stay healthy. messing with oxygen flow to the brain isn't very smart, and we both know I take your breath away as it is."

Giggling a bit I flicked him, "shut it Wulfie, am I going to have a bruise?"

"If anything a very small one, I was careful with you. I'll always be careful with you."

A flush crawled over my cheeks, "beowulf your being romantic -sort of- ..are you okay?"

He cupped my cheeks in his hands, kissing me softly, "I'm better than ever Hawaii."

"Well..I can't say I dont like when you get sweet."

"My first day in court is in two days."

"I know babe."

He looked almost nervous, it was sort of a cute look on him, "are you gonna come? you don't have to, I know it would be hard for you to listen to. and to see my dad." 

"of course I'm going. you're in this for me so naturally I'm going and I want to be there for you."

He seemed satisfied with that.

But I wasn't. "Wulfie?"


"will you draw on me like you used to?"

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