Ch 11: This is why you Don't Shoot People.

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Vega POV:

The police finally got full clearance on entering the Night house and property seen as it was essentially Wulfs make shift prison. So yesterday everyone was running around in a rush trying to hid everything even remotely suspicious and pulling knives out of vases and guns out of cereal boxes. 

Gotta hand it too Wulf he was paranoid to the point of having people put guns in the breakfast food. Thats gotta earn some points for people in crazy land.

This morning it settled down but the house was still on edge. Wulf hid bo somewhere off the property.

As for me...I was picking out the perfect outfit that would give Wulf some sort of distraction if he got mad but wouldn't...upset my father if he so happened to be here or give one of the old men on the force who knew me as a little girl a heat attack.

Basically no more booty shorts, bikini tops, and stilettos. Plus I had to cover my tattoo. its still a secret from daddy.

The heel of my ankle boos made a soft kicking sound as i descended the grand staircase to meet the group of officers.

Daddy wasn't there. but his best friend was, "Uncle Tom? I thought you retired and became a fisherman?"

The older man shrugged, "Missed my gun."

I giggled a bit, hopping the last step and heading toward the man. He was only three years older than daddy and they were partners when they were both rookie cops. I wrapped him in a hug when i got to him. "I missed you."

He chuckled, "Not the only one little brown bear."

I smiled at the childhood nickname he had given me when I had a slight obsession with bears to the point I even used to try and go fishing with my hands. 

Slowly we pulled apart and he looked around, "they weren't kidding when they said you got yourself some trouble. you doing okay little bear?"

I nodded. "I'm fine. happy. "

"Well alright then." he drawled, "we wont be too much in the way."

I looked over at the rest of the group for the first time, young ones mainly. I'm sure they stuck the rookies with house sitting for the most part. I also hear most of them volunteered. 

They were probably hoping to find something one Wulf and gain some points in the force. "Okay..well I asked Wulf to let me give you all a tour of the house first..just out of curiosity. have any of you actually even talked to Wulf."

No one.

I blew out a sigh, "great. Okat well word to the wise, I'm sure you all know his real name by now but never use it. he hates when people do that. And you will hear things break and wulf yell sometimes. its really nothing to worry about, someone probably just moved his stuff. He has OCD and doesn't share well."

Tom chuckled, "you sound like a wife Vega."

I grinned, "really? sometimes I feel like I'm playing mommy with the boys here."

That earned a few more laughs and I started the tour.

I ended it in the kitchen knowing Wulf would be here because it was Lunch.

Wulf didn't want to play meet the cops but that was too damn bad.

The chef looked nervously at us as we walked in, before glancing at Wulf whose face was practically buried in one of his many books. "Would you like to eat anything miss..and officers."

Wulf looked up at that, scanning me over before looking around at the police here. He groaned, "you said I didn't have to do this today."

I sauntered over to him, "I lied. These are the cops who are going to be staying in your house now because you shot a man and got yourself mixed up in a mess with your dad. this is why you don't shoot people."

Another groan, "you're so mean to me woman. And I allegedly shot someone. the cops were having an off day and started seeing things."

"suuure they were baby." I kissed his cheek lightly, telling everyone to make themselves at home.

He looked at a few of the rookies, "Did you know that its easy to tell when you idiots are new."


He shushed me, "I'm trying to help." Turning back to one of them he pointed, "Your uniforms are always too new and too standard. every movement is by the book because you are looking to impress. A cop who's been around for a while always has his own touch, a cross around his neck or a pin hidden on his uniform, something. and you can always tell its been worn but taken care of. Plus seasoned cops are normally more relaxed." Dismissing their existence he turned to me, "babe, did you know a human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated?"

I pursed my lips as everyone in the room stopped and stared at Wulf. "babe...what the hell are your reading."

He handed me his book.

I read the title aloud "the human body, and the unusual effects the world has on it."

"I'm on the chapter about unnatural causes of death, did you know if you ate a polar bears liver you would die from the amount of vitamin A?"

I looked at him, "why would anyone eat a polar bear liver?"

"if you were stranded in the frozen tundra and given the opportunity to eat a polar bear you would and you know it."

I smiled a bit giving him back the book, "anything not disgusting or disturbing in there?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment, "Well a woman's heart beats twice as fast as a mans but when two lovers look at one another their hearts synchronize, so assuming the couple is of opposite sex it truly is possible for a woman to make a mans heart race."

Awww. I smiled, "Really? thats so cute!"

He looked pretty pleased with himself as he took my hand, pulling me closer, "And cuddling releases enough oxytocin to help relive pain."

My smile grew.

I love that he knows these silly little fact. Handing him back his book I moved to sit in his lap, not even minding that we had the audience, "I'll remember that next time I have a headache."

He laughed, "aren't I usually the one who gives you headaches though?"

"In that case stop. eat something and shut it before you say something that makes my head hurt."

He huffed as the chef placed down several huge plates of food and excused himself, "well he apparently made enough for everyone so fine, you eat too. I'm pretty sure you skipped breakfast."

I took a bite out of some sort of grilled sandwich and offered some too Wulf.

He took it, looking over the group of cops again, "oh and if you people are going to be sticking around, use the damn uniforms, they make the people here anxious and honestly they cramp my style."

More than half of them didn't like him already, I could tell.

This was going to be just wonderful.

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