Ch 25: Apparently sex Tapes Make me Stupid.

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I just felt like after their shitty day, the two of them needed this.


Vega POV:

The moment Wulf and were home and safely away from prying eyes, I gripped his tie and pulled him to me, "you and I need to finish what he started."

Peering at him through my lashes I brought him down to my hight for a brief kiss, nipping his bottom lip as I pulled away.

He groaned a bit, "Like I said. You are a goddess."

"I know."

Chuckling Wulf followed me down the hall past his bedroom and into one of the private theaters of this ridiculous mansion.

His brow furrowed for a moment, "Now Hawaii I don't mean to question you, I'll worship your body anywhere. Buy why here?"

Smirking up at him I ran my fingers over the silken tie, "you look really sexy in this suit Wulife. And as for the location..." I loosened the dark green fabric, "do you still have that little sex tape we made?"

"I have no idea what I did to make you want to do this but shit I hope I do it again. Of course I have the tape babe. I watch it sometimes when you're away."

I hummed, "maybe we should make another sometime then..keep your options open."

"Yes just fuck yes."

Laughing lightly I gently pushed him away, "you put it on and I'll get naked."

"Leave on the heels" he growled.

I watched him go before unzipping the red fabric encasing my body, did I want to watch a sex tape? Not really but it turned Wulf on and I know its something he wanted to do with me perfectly available to his touch.

I feel like he deserves some therapeutic sex with varying levels of kink.

I feel like we both do.

When he returned to find my naked, except the heels as per request, he bit his lip voice rough "Now this is what every man wishes he could come home to everyday."

"Hmm, if your a good boy Wulf, maybe I'll grant that wish."

He was on me in seconds, lips devouring mine, "I'll be good..." hands cupped my ass, before gripping one thigh and propping my leg around him, "so so good."

I giggled despite myself, no matter how many times we do this I can never help but marvel at his utter adoration of every inch of me. But I did nearly jump when in the middle of out make out session I heard a moan.

It was his turn to chuckle, throwing off his suit jacket as I worked on the buttons. He smiled into my lips, "relax baby, its just the tape, I started it a few minutes ago."

His eyes flickered to the screen, "see?"

Did I want to? I wasn't sure. So I didn't.

But of course Wulf noticed, kissing my cheek lightly, "don't be embarrassed baby, its sexy you're sexy. Is this really your first time seeing this? I did give you a copy. Maybe we should have done this in my bedroom if it makes you nervous."

I brushed his shirt from his shoulders, shaking my head, " I'm just unsure what to think of seeing myself like that."

Another soft kiss and he was pulling away, "okay...then I wont give you a choice. Simple. Here."

I was turned around and pulled to his chest as he dropped into on of the large plush armchairs, spreading his legs so I was forced to spread mine, "Wulf!"

He just laughed a bit, kissing trails down my neck. "Just watch baby."

I did trying not to be distracted by his hands brushing my thighs, my stomach, my side, cupping my breasts. But damn it was difficult.

And it was..strange seeing myself and Wulf like that. My soft moans echoing through the room with his groans. "I don't really sound like that."

Another laugh, "you do, trust me its fucking amazing."

"I sound like a whore."

"No, you sound like you're having a really fucking amazing time."

There was something about watching yourself preform sexual acts that creates a strangely vulnerable feeling as well as an undeniable sense of arousal.

I could feel myself getting wetter as the tape went on, the combination of the tape, Wulfs body heat around me, his scent, and the undeniable hard on pressing into my skin was unignorable and I knew I was panting by now."

Wulf ground himself into me, teeth sinking into my shoulder.

And when we - the on screen we- really started fucking I was ridiculously envious of myself.

Apparently sex tapes make me stupid.

I whined a bit, "Wulf. I need you to touch me."

He did, fingers dipping into my core finding my clít. "Told you you would like it."

I gripped his wrist as I ground myself against him needing more.

His husky voice in my ear just made my ache worse, "do you want me to do that to you again baby? Bend you over and spank you as I took your body like I did then?"

I moaned, "yes...yes please Wulf."

His hands left me as he practically growled, "Stand up and bend over, grip the chair in front of you."

I didn't even question this man. Whatever got his hands on me again, I was so impossibly horny. "Wulf.."

A sharp smack to my ass that had me rolling my hips, "shh baby."

Over the sounds of my own panting and the tape I distantly heard the sound of a zipper.

I nearly whimpered when I felt him against me, as he leaned over me, "you are so going to hate me in five seconds."


Then he ruined my entire fucking life with five simple words, "I don't have a condom."

I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him.

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