Ch 24: Take Note

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Vega POV:

The DA scowled at us, "if there are any other secrets, I need the two of you to tell me now. We cant have anymore surprises in court, we got lucky."

Wulf leaned back in his chair, his arm wrapping around the back of mine, fingers brushing her shoulder. "So what you want a list of fetishes we happen to partake in and how about we throw in my sexual history?"

He frowned, "would that be relevant?"

I glanced at Wulf, "you didn't sleep with his wife right?"

The tension in the room kicked up.


Everyone relaxed.

For about five seconds, "I slept with his wife's sister."

I buried my face in my hands as the DA turned stoney, "you slept with my wife's sister."

Wulf rolled his eyes, "well I wasn't gonna sleep with your wife, woman was pregnant. Now theres a lot of shit that flips my switch but nailing someone else's pregnant wife, not one of them." He paused, "but if it was my baby and my woman, it would be. Shit it would so be a thing for me."

I just cocked a brow at him.

The blonde shrugged, "what? carrying my child, my flesh and blood? Sexy as hell. Besides being pregnant has got to suck, it comes with a lot of aches and restrictions. Plus a woman's body changes rapidly, sometimes it can make said woman feel less beautiful. And no woman gifting a man something so precious should ever feel like less than a god damn goddess." He dragged my chair closer to him, "take Vega here for example."

Oh dear god.

"Let say a good 8 years from now we are still together because you know, no one has killed me yet -thats the only way she's getting away.- and she gets pregnant."

Please shut up.

"I would spend every morning making her feel like the most god damn beautiful thing on the entire fucking planet. Because lets face it, she is. Whatever she wants she gets, sex, massage, breakfast in bed. Anything."

Okay. Awe. "Wulf, he didn't need to hear that. At all."

"Just sayin. When a woman allows you to touch her its a privilege, when she is willing give her body and put aside 9 months of her life to bring a child into this earth, your child. Its a fucking blessing. We get the easy part, the pleasurable part where she parts her thighs and we get to go to town."


"Seriously. After allowing a man to do unspeakable sometimes disgusting and usually completely perverse things to her she then carries his child. Gives up wine and sushi, she probably buys pregnancy health books and joins some annoying ass pregnant Pilates while listening to nothing but Beethoven because its supposed to make the kid smarter. Then she go through hours and hours of intense and painful labor to bring the thing into the world. That has to be the most god damm sexy thing on the entire fucking planet."

Something tells me I'm not leaving his bedroom tonight. His voice has that slight edge I have grown to recognize.

Well I'm glad I waxed.

"Vega..." he rumbled. "When you graduate college do you wanna-"

I laughed lightly. Patting his thigh, "sure babe, if you don't dive me nuts we can have kids."

The man practically purred, "you are an olive skinned goddess."

The DA looked faintly disgusted as the teenager opted to ignore him in favor of blatantly flirting with with me.

I tried in vain not to smile, "okay okay we are driving the man nuts babe, lets give him what he wats yeah?"

Wulf rolled his eyes, "fine. Take notes man. Lets start with the asphyxiation, thats a thing for me. Voyeurism -love a good sexual display because who doesn't-, mild exhibitionism if we are counting me general desire to have sex in public places. Its exciting. Bondage, I'm really into bondage when the moments right. i prefer to be the one doing the binding. Occasionally I like to be tied up though. Pain. I really really like it when it hurts. Oh and my biggest kink is role play. There is just something so god damn-"

"Okay okay stop."

We looked at the utterly disgusted DA.

Wulf rose a brow, "problem?"

"I'm just going to assume you two like everything."

I tried not to laugh as Wulf scowled. "You were the one who asked."

"And I regret it."

I rubbed Wulfs thigh, the tension in his body obvious, "Wulf hun, he's just trying to do his job."

The blonde scoffed, "then he should make up his god damn mind and put my fucking dick of a dad behind bars so we can go to Hawaii and I can make this woman fall more in love with me."

The older man scowled, "You will still have that ankle monitor."

Beowulf smirked, "will I now?"

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