Ch 4: Two Options

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Wulf POV:

The idea of Vega carrying my child would honestly be kinda hot and give me a strange sense of pride.

...if we weren't both so young and I didn't know if this would hurt her future or not. I mean established 20 something to 30 something year old pregnant Vega would be sexy and sort of exciting. But we are still in high school. I could have prevented this if I had insisted on a more reliable form of birth control.

Now I was provably gonna be a dad.

Fuck I am not ready for this.

I don't want to be a father. Not now.

I mean false positives do happen even in blood tests right? If she wasn't pregnant that would be pretty fucking awesome we could just be more cautious and be together.

Vega and Wulf.

Not Vega, Wulf, and accidental baby.

...what do you even tell a kid that was an accident? 'Whoops sorry kiddo! We never meant to have you!'

Ugh. And its not like i can say it was her fucking condom. I have my damn preferred condoms we always use mine because we are always in my bedroom, my condoms. My fault.

I pretty much screwed up her future because I was thinking with my dick.

Glancing at her sleeping form next to me I sighed.

She doesn't want this baby. If it wasn't for the fact that shes so damn sweet and caring and loves kids so much she would have terminated the pregnancy already.

And I don't have the balls to tell her there was no way in hell she was having my kid and then giving it away.

If we did this and choose to keep it. I wanna see it through, adoption is great for a lot of people. But I cant just let her hold her child then give it away.

I know my little Hawaiian star. It would crush her in the end.

So we really only had two options.

A: terminate.

B: keep and hopefully dont fuck everything up despite not knowing what the fuck we are doing and only having been together for like 5 months.

Her pregnancy will be longer than the actual relationship.

Fuck I cant do this.

I literally need her to pee on that stick.

I know the whores keep pregnancy tests here.

Ill just go through all the guest bathrooms then..


" were serious."

I nodded sheepishly, "please babe?"

Sighing she picked up one of the many boxes i had dumped on my bed and went into the bathroom, returning a few moments later. "Directions say we gotta wait a few minuets."

She crawled onto the bed next to me, resting her head on my shoulder, "I really wish just once those commercials for pregnancy tests have an unhappy woman on it, screaming at the stupid stick that its wrong. Or yelling fuck yes im not pregnant if the companies wanna stay positive."

"We can film your reaction and mail it to them"

She laughed a bit, glancing at me, "..still doing the math?"

I nodded, "when is your period supposed to be?"

"Last month. I had the blood drawn like 4 days ago because I'm never late on my period."

"So you're not too far along? If your pregnant."

She rolled her eyes at me, "yeah."

"...we have so much sex its sort of hard to tell when i mean there was that period of time where you got pissed and wouldn't let me play."

"Beowulf. We both know that test is going to tell you we made a baby."

I hummed still trying to figure out how she got pregnant.

I was still muling it over when her phone timer went off and she went to grab the test, "...wulf."

I looked up to find her in front of me holding out the test. " line? What the fuck does a line mean? Are you seriously telling me these companies make millions of dollars by telling people their future with a line?"

"Two lines is positive. One line means negative."

"Praise fucking everything for the line determining of futures."

She picked up another test and a bottle of water, chugging it.

...oh god.

She wanted to be sure.

Cant we just take the little sticks word for it and give her a shit ton of alcohol?

....okay Wulf even for you thats fucked up. Lets wait two more tests before we start handing her vodka.

And then an IUD that sounds like a good fucking idea. Lets put the stupid little thing in her body so she cant have babies for a few years.

Even so..pregnant or not. Im throwing out my condoms and buying new ones.

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