Ch 26: Pissed

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Wulf POV:

Vega glared at me hands on her bare hips, "you get me soaking for you, bent over and begging only to realize you don't have a condom?"

I cleared my throat, "uh yeah. They were gonna search me before court so I figured it was a bad idea. Because you know, you are beloved by all the police force."

The girl chewed on her lip, "we can always go back to your room right?"

I looked away, "they will have people posted around the halls this time of day and you're not even supposed to be here."

It was true. She was supposed to be home as per the agreement.

The raven haired girl squirmed a bit, "well I have that IUD right? Wulf as embarrassing as it is to admit it, I need you inside me so badly it hurts. So just this once forget the condom and just fuck me."

Fuck that sounds like heaven. But one of us needs to be responsible, its my turn I guess. "Baby we agreed after the pregnancy scare that we would get you an IUD and continued to use condoms. Nothing is 100% and we agreed not to risk it. Trust me when I say there is nothing more enticing than the idea of being with you without any sort of barrier but-"

"Why is it im being rejected by a nympho?"

I groaned, "because shit baby if I do it once I know I'm never gonna wanna have you any other way and I would always forget to bring a condom and they would all magically disappear."

She continued to glare at me before huffing and turning away to grab my shirt and throw it on, "you know Wulf, if I didn't understand and love you so much I would be pissed right now."

...she is pissed though? I can tell because shes got that tension in her shoulders and she's biting the inside of her cheek.

She only bites her cheek when she wants to beat the living hell outa me.

"But like I said I understand you. So who cares?" She grabbed one of the remotes, deleting the sex tape from the history and flipping through the movies saved on the drive. "I mean I went to court without any underwear, was called a gold digger amongst other things and when I tried to just come home -where im not even supposed to be - and have sex with you. You mr even though we are in a committed relationship I don't trust any condoms unless they come from me forgot the fucking thing"

Ah crap here we go...

She sank into one of the chairs, "and you know most girls would get very very angry with you. But I'm not going to because damn it Wulf half the the reason I'm as aroused as I was, is because of how god damn sweet you were today. I mean so what if I'm not going to get laid today right?"

She smiled up at me sweetly and for a moment I thought she really was gonna let this go, "right."

Still smiling she nodded, "I mean I can always go out and have fun to distract from the ache I feel. You on the other hand wont be getting laid for a week and your ass is stuck here."

Wait what?

Not mad my fucking ass!


She started one of the movies, "sit. We had might as well watch a movie if we are not gonna fuck."

"I could-"

"I dont want oral."

Fine then. I tried to appease her.

So rather than try to calm her down I just sat next to her.

"You know I even splurged on that vanilla wax."

"The one that makes you smell and taste-"

"Like your favorite dessert. Yes."

I fucking hate myself. "How about eat you and then go grab a condom from my room."

"Moments gone."

I will admit.

After that cold ass shut down, I sulked.

For pretty much the entire movie.


She sighed softly at my front door, obviously not quite ready to go home. "Wulf."


She rose a brow at me.

Maybe I was still a little disgruntled. Sue me. Should have just fucked her bare.

"I'm sorry I acted like that."

Now I was confused.

"It was just that it was the first court day and so much happened and all I can think about is the risks you are taking, about what your father might do. Im
Worried and scared and anxious..and well there is nothing more reassuring to me than being in your arms. I got upset when that couldn't happen either and acted immaturely."

I just blinked at her, stunned, before smiling softly. "Don't sweat it Hawaii I would rather have you giving me the cold shoulder to cope than those panic attacks. I can always thaw you out, it's calming you that im not sure i'm all that good at yet."

Looking relived she wrapped her arms around my waist in a hug, "I love you, you know that right?"

"Of course. I love you too."

She sighed softly in contentment as I kissed the top of her head. "Maybe I can try and sneak out tonight after daddy goes to sleep? Come visit you? We can cuddle or you know play or whatever. I just want the last memory of this crappy day to be a good one."

"Alright baby, that sounds perfect, come over and we can have a night to ourselves. just text me when you get home and when you leave your house and be safe."

"Okay." With a quick kiss she walked down the steps and away from my house, to wherever she parked.

My phone rang just as I closed the door, "what?"

The bubbly voice on the other side of the line blared in my ear, "I hope you know how psyched I am for the party at your place tonight!"

...huh? "The what?"

"The one celebrating your official takeover? The guys were gonna drug the cops water and coffee and everyone is gonna go nuts..Vince invited me and my girls. Things are gonna get turnt up! Btw im soo wearing that dress you got my for my birthday! Look for me 'kay? Ttyl Wulf!"

The line went dead before I could react.

I could practically feel the color drain from my face.

I just invited my girl to have a nice quiet night to ourselves to wind down...and apparently literally everyone around me decided to throw a rager to celebrate my taking leadership of my dads criminal empire.

Something I specifically told her I wasn't going to do.

I am so so fucked and not in the way I planned.

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