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"Tonight, at 9pm, my place" Taehyung whispered, kissing my lips one last time and grabbing my ass. I bit my lip. We were in the bathroom making out desperately for the last 15 minutes. Out teachers must be worried. He and I are going to have a nice romantic stay-in. Yes, his parents are going to be there, but we'll be in Taehyung's room watching movies and eating popcorn. The perfect night.

Unfortunately, it wasn't exactly the perfect day. Immediately after I came over to sit with the guys Hoseok attacked me with the same question he repeated over and over again:
"Why did you tell the principal?"
"I didn't!"
"Oh, so you can't be man enough to admit your mistakes"
"No, I'm not lying to you, Hoseok, keep it down" I tried calming him.
"I can't believe you", and he took a long break so I finally thought he was done. Boy, was I wrong, "Why did you tell the principal?"
"Jesus Christ"
"Why won't you tell me?" he started screaming. I've never seen him get mad and I've never seen a person this mad.
"It's like me telling the entire school about you and-" Jimin cut him off because I was too shocked. He almost told the entire school.
"Shut up, Hoseok! I did it!" Jimin screamed back at him.
Everyone in the entire cafeteria was silent. Jimin got up before he said that and everybody was staring at him now. He looked at us, eyes watery, but he held back the tears.
"What did you do?" with every word Hoseok's voice became angrier.
Taehyung looked to the crowd of people looking at us and said: "Get back to your meals, beauty isn't contagious" I chuckled a little bit, still in shock and waiting for Jimin's response.
"I...told...on you" he said, lips trembling. Yoongi looked at him with a strange expression. Hoseok looked at Jimin with disgust, took his bag and ran from the cafeteria.
Jimin finally sat down. He didn't want to cry because he knew it was his fault. Yoongi put a hand on his thigh and put his arm around him. Jimin doesn't know that Yoongi's just as guilty as he is. I shook my head.
"I'll go look for Hoseok" Namjoon said.
"I'll go with you" Jin stood up. The mom and the dad of our group wanted to help their kids, how cute. I didn't want to go because, yes he is my friend, but he didn't believe me when I told him that it wasn't me. Friends are supposed to trust friends, and if he can't trust me then I don't know what we are. Jimin, on the other hand, I don't get. Why did he tell the principal? But I won't help him because he made this mess on his own.
I told Yoongi in private to tell me if Jimin explains himself later and left for class.

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