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"Jesus what took you so long?" Jimin said.
"I'll tell you later, just like you'll tell me what happened between you and Yoongi, right?"
"Okay, but, please be honest with me."
"From now on I will, but I only trust you right now, so please don't tell it to other guys".
"Pinky promise" Oh God, those eyes.

"Hello class! Can anyone tell me anything about..."
That class, English class, was a complete blur. Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon knew all the answers and I didn't understand a thing. Jimin was gorgeous though, I'm glad I got to sit so close next to him. Maybe I can ask him to tutor me.

*Lunch time*
"Mochi, before we go to the cafeteria can you come to the bathroom with me?" as soon as I said that I realized that it sounded very wrong.
We got into the bathroom so we could talk, but as we got in we realized that Yoongi, Taehyung and some other guy were having a conversation. We wanted to leave, but Tae stopped me.
"Where do you think you're going?" he said in a very deep voice
"To the cafeteria, do you mind?" I answered with a little bit of sassiness im my voice
"Oh feisty!"
I didn't know how I was supposed to respond to that, but it didn't matter because Jimin took me by my hand and towards the door. Yoongi slammed the door right in front of our faces. I looked at him, he was unreadable.
"Kookie, you and I are going to a room next to this bathroom. You'll go in first and then I will" Taehyung said slowly.
"What do you want from him? Just because he punched you once you are not satisfied of just knocking him down once?!" Jimin suddenly bursted, still standing behind me though, it was cute.
"Jiminie, calm down." Yoongi sad in a strangely calm voice
"No! You are now hanging out with the guy that bullied us for so many years?! And smoking?! Really Yoongi?!" Jimin was getting angrier by the second.
I grabbed his hand and he tangled his fingers with mine. Tae and Yoongi were starting to look pissed.
"Let us out." I said calmly.
"Kookie, I honestly just need to talk to you" Tae said.
"And I with you" Yoongie said turning towards Jimin.
I looked at Jimin, he looked at me. I honestly didn't know what to do at that point.
"Kookie, don't worry about me" Jimin whispered only so I can hear. He freed me from his grip and I got out of the bathroom and waited a few seconds to see if they'll say anything to Jimin. He's strong and he can take care of himself.

I started walking towards the room, still trying to hear what they were saying, but I was too far and the school was too loud. I got into the room and it was the janitor's closet. Smelled like chemicals from Cleanex.

A few seconds later the door start to open, I was scared because I thought that was the janitor and that I'll go to visit the principal's office two days in a row, but it was Tae. He looked at me in the eyes. The room's so dark I can barely see him. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something, but I'm already prepared for a punch if he changes his mind.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for being mean to you, for being mean to your friends, I'll personally apologize to Jimin as well, I just wanted to tell you first."
I wasn't buying whatever he was selling: "Where's this coming from?"
"I just realized you guys aren't as bad as I thought you were and that I was being a jerk."
"Cute, but people don't do that overnight."
I walked to the door, but he stopped me by taking my hand and standing in front of me really close. I can't believe this!!!!!
"What does it take for you to realize that I'm genuinely apologizing?"
"I don't know, beg on your knees for my forgiveness in front of the entire school, how about that?" I said sarcastically.
"Whatever, I don't care." he said and left the closet. My heart was beating so fast I could hear it.

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