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What is Mochi doing? Why is he doing that? There must be a reasonable explanation.
"Mochi?" I say turning around to him "can you help me with the dishes?"
"Of course, Kookie!"

We went to the kitchen and as soon as I closed the door and turned around Jimin kissed me. I enjoyed the kiss for a few seconds, but I remembered that he's with Yoongi and I'm with Taehyung and that we're in MY CHRISTIAN HOME! I pushed him away.

"What the fuck, Mochi?" I said trying to sound as calm as I could.
"I'm sorry" he quickly responded putting his head on his hands. His hands compared to Taehyungs were so small and cute, they didn't even cover his face completely.
I put my hand on his shoulder. "We can't do that, I know that you're not official with Yoongi and that I'm not with Taehyung, but it's still not right."
"I know, alright?!" he said in a sad, but angry way.
I couldn't deal with him and his love-questioning. I open the door and see Taehyung. He looks surprised.
"Um, I just wanted to see if you guys needed help" he said smiling. I could see everybody looking to the kitchen.
"Sweetie, you guys didn't take any dishes" mom said awkwardly chuckling.
I looked at them and looked at Taehyung. I felt quilt running through my veins.
"I need a little air, I'll be right back" I said grabbing my jacket.
"What-" was the only thing from my mom that I heard before I closed the door.
Poor Taehyung. Poor Yoongi. What is Jimin doing? He's ruining my chance of being happy! I can't believe him! What am I going to do?

I hear someone running behind me. Taehyung and Jimin. Both of them running towards me. I have to face them. They catch up to me and Taehyung grabs my hand to stop me. I stop and turn around.

"What happened?" he asks. Jimin looks at me. I was mad at him, but I didn't know what will happen if I tell him what really happened.
"I-" Jimin cuts me off.
"I kissed Jungkook." Jimin says turning to Taehyung.

Taehyung looked like he was about to beat the shit out of him, but then looked at me, still holding my arm.
"Is that true?" he asked.
I hesitated at first, but then nodded.

"Wow" he looked to the side and laughed "Okay" he laughed and nodded.

I didn't know what to say, but he just headed straight back to the house.
"I'm sorry." Jimin said turning to me. I was angry, but I was thankful that he didn't make me lie to Taehyung, although that would probably be way better.

We came back to the house. Taehyung was already there.
"Jungkook can I have a word with you in the kitchen?" you know when your mom asks you that, it's bad, but it's even worse if you say "no". Plus I have to sit beside Taehyung, so either way this is going to be awkward.

"What was that?!" mom asked angrily.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't feeling well"
"Well you can't just go out like that in the middle of dinner!"
"I'm sorry" I was tearing up.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry, what happened?" she softened up.
"Life is weird".
"Depends on what you find normal" she smiled, "lets get back to them and if you want to talk about it later, we can".
"Thanks" of course we can't.

I sat next to Taehyung who really put on a smiley face. He tried to make as if nothing happened. I couldn't look at him. Jimin tried to help by talking to me and he did, but it still wasn't good enough.

It was time for the guests to leave. I said goodbye to the parents and hugged Jimin. I wasn't mad anymore. I just hope he can explain it to Yoongi.

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