Thirty Nine

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Hanna woke up to an empty hotel room, guessing Liam had promo to do.

She slithered out of bed and pulled on one of Liam's sweatshirts and inhaled, the last of his cologne wafting from the fabric.

A box of Cheerios sat opened on the marble counter in the little kitchen area. Hanna happily poured half a bowl out and sliced a banana into the bowl. She carefully poured a little bit of milk and sat dow on the couch, surfing through the channels on the tv. 

There was nothing interesting so she just put on a random movie, more interested in watching YouTube videos.

Hanna stumbled on a Zoella, get ready with me, and became inspired to do the same.

"Hello, everyone!" Hanna smiled into the camera.

Liam gifted her a camera that vloggers use because she always ran out of iPhone storage.

"I woke up this morning and Liam was gone so I just made a bowl of cereal and watched some YouTube. I found a Zoella video, a get ready with me, and I got inspired to do the same so here we go!" Hanna walked over to the large mirror. "Right now, I'm in a pair of shorts and Liam's sweatshirt, so I'm going to go shower and get dressed."

Turning off the camera, Hanna walked over to the bathroom and stripped naked, turning the nozzle for the warm water and slightly turned the cold water, making a nice warm flow of water. Pulling the knob to make the water flow out of the shower head, she stepped in, standing under the water to warm her cold body up.

After her shower, she pulled on the fluffiest robe she had and picked up the camera. "I'm out of the shower, so I'm gonna throw my hair up into a towel wrap and brush my teeth." She set the camera on the counter, still recording.

Flipping her head down, she quickly wrapped up her hair. "Ta-Da!" She reached for her toiletry bag. "It's difficult putting toothpaste on a toothbrush with one hand."

Hanna brushed her teeth and made her way to the suitcases where her makeup and clothes are.

She picked out a comfy outfit. Ripped blue jeans, boyfriend style, and she stole on of Liam's shirts, tucking the shirt in and pulling a black belt through the hoops. She grabbed a green jacket and set it off to the side since it was a little chilly today.

"Okay, I'm gonna do my makeup while I let my hair dry. A lot of you ask how I get my hair to curl the way it does and all I use is this frizz serum to keep the frizz out." Hanna washed the rest of the serum off her hands, since it always left a oily residue. "And today, since I have no idea what is going to happen, I'm gonna keep this makeup real simple."

Hanna applied nude shadow on her lips and a slightly orangey tone in her crease. She opted for a tinted lip balm instead of a matte liquid lipstick.

"And this is basically my look for today." Hanna turned the camera towards the full length mirror in the bathroom. "I hope you enjoyed, even though I didn't really talk much. I never really have a lot to say. Well, uhm, have a good day! Love you!"

Hanna shut off the camera and picked up her phone and texted Liam. 'What's the plan for today?'

It took a while for Liam to respond. 'Promo all day and then immediately to the concert, sorry babe. I left my card if you wanted to go to shopping. I'll see you later xx'

Hanna spotted Liam's card on the nightstand along with a note.

"Molly from security stayed with you today, you two seem to be getting a long. Have a great day! Love you, my beautiful fiancé.

- Liam xx"

Hanna stowed the card in her wallet and slipped on a pair of ADIDAS shoes. She wandered down a few rooms to where Molly was staying. Hanna knocked lightly a few times and waited a couple moments.

"Hey, Molly!" Hanna smiled.

Molly smiled back. "Hey, Hanna. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Liam said you stayed back to hang with me?"

"Yea, yeah. He wants one of us with you at all times. It's so cute the way he's so protective over you." Molly pinched my face.

"Yea, but that's what I love about him." I raised my wallet. "So Liam kindly left his card for me I case I wanted to go out and since you're here with me, I was wondering if you wanted to go get a mani or pedi or something like that? You and Lou are the only girl friends I have on this tour and Lou is kind of busy with the boys."

Molly smiled. "Yeah, sure! We can go anywhere you like. Let me get my stuff."

So off they were, to the mall. Molly had a taser attached to her hip, and a purse bouncing off her other with every step she took. Hanna clung to her bag, knowing if it were stolen, Liam's card would be gone with it.

"What time is the boys concert?"

"7pm, as always."

Hanna nodded, mentally kicking herself because she knew that.

The car turned down a street and the mall emerged in the distance. "Are you sure you can do this?" Molly asked, rubbing her thumb across the back of Hanna's hand, since her hand was gripping tightly onto her guards. "You don't have to."

Hanna took a deep breath. She turned to Molly. "I'm trying to better myself. I feel like I'm holding Liam back when it comes to me. I don't want to say no anymore unless I truly have to. This is the first step."

And the first step, did she take.


Hey hey hey. This fic may be ending after this but there will be a sequel, as I have decided since this is a rather long and complicated plot line.

Haven't decided what to call the sequel, but I know it will be up before next month if I get around to it.

If this is the last part, I will be uploading sequel information in the next upload.

Love you

- Exx

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