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Hanna and Liam found themselves at a cafe that sat twenty minutes from the stadium they were performing in about ten hours. Even though it wasn't a good idea, Liam insisted they sat by the window so Hanna could stare out the window. The cafe was two stories so they sat on the second floor, which gave a much better view.

A few dozen fans stood outside, singing random songs, trying to spot Liam and his mystery girl.

The sky was a light grey but in the distance, it looked black. "You'll still perform is if it's raining?" Hanna asked, sipping her caramel latte with skim milk.

Liam nodded, sipping on his Earl Grey Tea. "Yea, the fans love it even more."

The two conversed long after their drinks were gone. Light rain fell, making the lights of Seattle a little blurry from the window. "Shall we?" Liam asked when he noticed the darker storm clouds crept closer and closer. "I think there's some shopping down the street."

"I don't want you wasting your money on me." Hanna refused to let Liam buy her four dollar latte.

Liam smiled. "Hanna," chills went down Hannas spine when Liam said her name. "it's fine. A little shopping spree won't even make the tiniest dent in my bank account. I can buy you want ever."

Hanna smiled. "If you insist."

The two of them walked down the winding staircase, Hanna almost falling face first because of the steepness. But Liam caught her. They pushed their way through the girls outside, Liam having a tight grip on the small hands Hanna had. The girls demanded to know who she was, if she was just a friend or if they were dating.

Some let out a few degrading words but Hanna let her arm, the one that hid her from the crowd, fall from tiredness. "Oh my god you're beautiful." A fan exclaimed when she locked eye contact.

Hanna blushed. "No, you are." Hanna said back. "Have a nice day."

Liam and Hanna made it through the crowds and walked down the cobblestone streets to the older looking part of Seattle. The streets weren't wide enough for cars to get through so people walked down the streets, minding their own business.

They stopped in a couple shops and got matching sweatshirts that were a grey blue colour. The words Seattle was written across the chest in white.

"There's a photo booth!" Liam smiled.

Inside, they paid the right amount of change and posed for each shot. One was just a smiley one, the second was a goofy face. The third, they gave each other bunny ears with their fingers.

And just a second before the fourth shot was taken, Liam and Hanna looked at each other.

"Say cheese!" The machine warned with its annoying automated voice.

Hanna looked over at Liam and smiled and in that second, Liam leaned in and kissed her right as the photo was taken.



- Emily xx

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