Thirty Two

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"Jared." Hanna practically leapt into her brothers arms as he walked up the path to the house.

"Hanna!" Jared easily lifted her up, swinging her around. "Look at you! You seem better."

Hanna's feet were back onto the ground now. "I feel better. I feel, happier."

The word Jared thought Hanna would never say again. The word Hanna thought she'd never say.

"Hi, mum!" Jared gave their mother a big hug.

Jackie gave her eldest a big hug. "It's so good to see you. Now, let's get you settled in."

"Nice place." Jared commented.

"It's lonely without Hanna. She's been busy with her boyfriend." Jackie teased, hip bumping her daughter.

Jared smirked. "I need to meet this Liam punk. I need to make sure he's treating you right." He ruffled Hanna's hair.

"Loosah." Hanna shoved him away.

"So, before you run off to work, mum. I have news." Jared sat his two family mombers down. "Jayla and I are expecting."

Hanna's mouth drops open and Jackie just freezes. "I'm gonna be a grandmum?" She whispered.

"You're gonna be a grandmum and Hanna is going to be an aunt."

Hanna slumped back, taking in the news. "Congratulations!" She finally spoke.

"Oh! This is beautiful! Jared, are you going to propose?"

Jared shrugged. I've been busy saving up to get my own place. You put the house on the market and so I need to move out as soon as possible. I've been working three jobs to get this really nice two bedroom flat."

Hanna stood up. "Wait. You're selling the house back home?" Her voice cracked.

Jackie took a deep breath in. "Hanna, sweetie." Jackie tried to hold her hand but Hanna jerked her arm back. "Listen."

"No! I can't believe you would sell that house! It's where I grew up! Where I took my first step, said my first word! Hell, I still sleep in the same room my crib was in, in the exact same spot. I know all the best hiding spots that I want to teach my future niece or nephew. I want to have my own kids live there! You can't sell my home!"

Hanna grabbed her crutches and left the room. Slamming her bedroom door once she reached it.

Jackie put her head in her hands. "I'm sorry, mum." Jared tried to apologise.

"Don't. Jared. Just go." Jackie shoved his kind hand away.

Jared found his younger sister in her room, crying into her pillow. Her crutches where thrown to the ground, causing Jared to almost trip over them. He stood in front of the bed, wondering what he should say first.

Then he sat down next to Hanna, hovering his has over her shaking body. "Hanna. You really don't want to let that house go, do you?"

Hanna shook her head, turning into her side. Jared handed her a tissue, which she gladly took. "Jared. It's our home. The home where you had your first high school party when mom was away from business. Where we fought, physically and verbally over the remote. Where we watched scary movies on Saturday nights and built forts in when we were kids. It's where you lost your virginity. It's where all of our memories are."

Jared nodded. Then he sighed deeply. "Hanna. It'd be honoured if you came back to Brighton and live with me so you can teach your niece and nephew all of the hiding spots. We can build forts again. And watch scary movies on that same couch."

Hanna sat up. "Does that mean?"

Jared nodded. "Yes. I'm taking the house off the market. It's going to be my house. And the door will always be open to you."

Hanna squealed. "I love you!" Hanna gave her brother a big hug.

"On one condition." Jared untangled himself from Hanna.


Jared chuckled. "I need to meet with this Liam punk who thinks he can get away with dating my sister without meeting me."

Hanna threw one of her pillows at him. "Sod off. You'll meet him, eventually."

Jared hugged her once more before returning to his own room to sleep off jet lag.


Idk of I like how this chapter came out.

- Emily xx

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