Thirty Six

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Since Hanna resumed touring with Liam, Liam was his normal self. Happier emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Everyone could see it.

But it was too good to last.

As the tour continued on, they were busy with interview after interview. If they weren't doing anything, they were kept in their hotels, security deeming it unsafe for them to exit the hotel.

The long hours that Hanna was locked up in a hotel brought back terrible memories of the multiple rehab facilities she's been in.

Let out for breakfast, lunch, dinner if there weren't interviews or a concert that day.

It was emotionally draining for Hanna, which also affected Liam. He tried his best to keep his girlfriend happy but alas, he has run out of ideas.

Liam begged and begged to let them let him take her on a date, even if it was just a walk around the block.

"I'm sorry, babe." Liam kissed his girlfriend as he was tugged out of the hotel room.

Hanna gave him a look like she was trying to reassure him that it was ok. That she was fine with being locked up like a zoo animal.

And when they were finally allowed to go outside, it was an event. Hanna, who was so tired, even though she'd done nothing while cooped up in the hotel, she didn't have the energy.

Liam tried to bring her to an arcade but she had no interest. They wandered around the mall, miserable.

Liam was afraid of the worst thing he could imagine about the two of them. Each night, as Hanna slept silently beside him, he lay awake, too afraid that when He were to wake in the morning, it'd be him alone, a note left on the bedside table.

"Why do they do this to you?" Hanna asked one night. "Keep you locked up like this?"

Liam shrugged, not having an answer. "I'm sorry. I never thought they'd do this to us."

As the dad continued, it could been seen through their facial expressions and body movements that they were beginning to have struggles.

Liam would go out with the boys and come back drunk, leaving Hanna a mess to clean up. They hardly spoke and when they did, it was tense and short answers were given to short questions.

Things were spiralling down Liam's fear quick.

He thought it would never happen, that this was just one of those times in a relationship that were a bit rocky.

And the day came, when Liam's fear came to life.

"I can't do this anymore Liam!" Hanna screeched from the bedroom. She had locked the door, keeping Liam out. "I can't handle being locked up like a zoo animal anymore!"

She opened up a couple suitcases and threw her items in there.

"Hanna, please. Don't do this. Stay. I can work something out with them."

"You've said that. Seven weeks ago. And it changed. For a week. And I was back to being a zoo animal. If this is your idea of being on tour, count me out!"

The bedroom door unlocked and Hanna stomped out. "Don't go." Liam pleaded.

Hanna grabbed the last of her things and opened the hotel door. Security outside moved to see who was exiting.

Hanna halted and turned around. She set her things down and went over to Liam, who was a crying mess on the floor. She knelt down to him and lifted his head. "Just remember that I'll always love you."

She kissed him goodbye one last time and she was gone.

Liam sat there for a while, ignoring the calls and texts from his mates, having heard the whole argument through the thin walls of the hotel.

"I'll always love you."

Her words rang through his mind.

"Fuck!" He cursed out to no one.

For hours, Liam sat there, numb, on the floor. Ignoring calls and texts from his phone that sat in the kitchen. Eventually they stopped, either due to his phone dying or them giving up.

Then the knocking on his door began. First it was security, then Lou, then his band mates began begging him to open up the door.

Nothing worked. Not even the smell of fish and chips that someone set outside his hotel door.

He was hungry, but he ignored his body's call for food.

All night. He sat there all night, only sleeping for a few hours before the terrible nightmares of the days events woke him up, making him scream and cry out for Hanna.

Liam was in his own personal hell.

He still sat there for almost half the day until a maid came by and unlocked the door for management, the boys, security. He saw multiple plates of food outside his door.

"Liam. Are you okay?" People asked him.

"Where's Hanna? What happened?"

"STOP IT! OUT!" Liam finally had the strength to scream.

"But, Liam." Harry started to stay.

Liam cut him off. "I said, out."

He stood there, and watched as one by one, people left him alone.

"I'll always love you too." He whispered silently to himself as he sat down in the same spot he hadn't left in over twenty four hours.

"No matter what."



Hiam broke up.

But I have plans for this book.

So don't stop reading now.

- e x

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