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The photo has nothing to do with the chapter. I'm just going to put random definitions up there.

Dedication: happyhanna2000

- E


Hanna sat at the breakfast bar, picking at her bowl of fruit. She sighed heavily as she stabbed a chunk of pineapple and brought it up to her lips. Her hand was a little shaky and a little clammy.

"You can do it." She told herself. Opening her chapped lips, she forced the food into her mouth and chewed it. Hanna cringed as the food slid down her throat. "Come on, Hanna! It's fruit. Fruit is healthy!"

Four more pieces of fruit remained in the bowl. Her green eyes peered down at the food. It might've been lack of sleep but she thought the fruit was laughing at her, taunting her.

With anger, Hanna stabbed the next piece of fruit, a banana slice, and ate it with out thinking. "Take that, fruit." She sneered. "You can't laugh while you digest in my stomach."

"Mum! Hanna is talking to the fruit again!" Hanna looked up to see her older brother, Jared. Jared was two years older and had shaggy brown hair that seemed like it was refusing to be tamed and bright green eyes like Hanna.

Their mother, on the other hand, did not contribute to the brown hair and green eyes. Their mother, Jackie, has black hair and sparkling blue eyes. "Jared, stop teasing your sister. You know how she is." She scolded as she walked into the kitchen, carrying her briefcase for work.

"It's okay, mum." Hanna ate the last slice of strawberry from her bowl and washed her breakfast dishes. "He was only teasing."

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "Do not forget to take your medication and Jared, you have to make sure she takes them. All of them. And make sure your sister eats something for lunch. I'll call if I will be late for dinner. You know where the pizza money is if I'll be late."

Jackie kissed her children goodbye and left.

"So, what do you wanna do today? It's summer vacation and you're wearing skinny jeans and a jumper like its winter."

"It's cold in the house." Hanna frowned.

"Go change. We are doing something fun." Jared leapt off the counter and hurried to get shoes on.

"Jared." A soft voice called after him. He turned around and his sister stood in the doorway of the kitchen.


"Can I still have a banana for lunch?"

Jared smiled. "Yeah." He nodded. "You can have whatever for lunch. No go take your medication."


More of Hannas background story will be told throughout the story about why Jared is being such a nice older brother and not torturing Hanna.

Hanna is 18 in the story. Jared is 20.

- Emily 💕

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