Thirty Four

15 3 1

"Liam, get up. You can't lounge around all day, every day until Hanna returns to the tour." Louis nudged my body, attempting to get me out of bed. "Hanna will be back in three days. Come on. Let's go play paint ball or something. Get into trouble."

Liam sighed, annoyed at the pestering older man. "If I go do something with you, will you stop pestering me?" Liam grumped.

Louis fist pumped the air. "Yes!!" He pulled the blankets off of Liam so the younger lad couldn't fall back asleep. "You've got thirty minutes to shower and get dressed and eat and brush your teeth. Starting NOW!"

And Liam was left alone. He laid there in his bunk, contemplating if he should just hide from Louis but Louis was too quick to catch on and knew he'd have people searching for him. So he gave up and grabbed a towel to dry off with and took a shower. As he dressed in the usual skinny jeans, solid colored t shirt, and converse, Liam ate a blueberry flavored poptart. Liam was just putting his toothbrush and toothpaste away as the older lad that rudely woke him up that morning bounded back onto the bus, ready to take him to go paintballing.

"Louis, can we save paintball for another day? I just don't feel like getting all dirty with paint today. What if we go bowling or go play laser tag in those places that do it in the dark?"

Louis nodded. "Yea. Sounds fine man. We can go get lunch afterwards too, if you're up to that. "

The two men were driven to the local arcade, where they enjoyed themselves with black out laser tag and entertained themselves with fooseball. "Where do you want to go to lunch?" Liam asked, tuckered out from the insane amount of running they did not only during laser tag but also through the arcades, trying to hide from security.

Louis shrugged. "Is there a Nandos around?" Louis stood on his tiptoes, trying to find a Nandos.

Liam rolled his eyes. "Louis,I don't think they have Nando's in Spain. At least not where we are."

"Damn. How about some McDonalds then?"

Liam shrugged, happy with his friends decision. There, he realized that he had fun today and wasn't even counting down to the minute that Hanna would return. Liam smiled and began to relax even more. Louis returned to their table with their meals; chicken nuggets for the older lad and a burger for Liam. They split a large fry.

Back at the bus, Niall and Harry were waiting for the other two. "You guys went to an arcade!?" Niall jealously asked. "And didn't think to invite us?"

Harry pouted. "C'mon. We don't bite."

Louis swatted the hovering boys away. "Next time, you can join."


I know this is super short but I wanted to update SOMETHING with my new laptop!!

- Emily xx

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