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Liam woke up the next morning in bed. He vaguely remembered the night before. Movement next to him in bed captured his attention. Rolling over, he almost screamed.

Hanna slept peacefully on the other side of the bed. Liam panicked, causing him to fall out of the bed with a thud as his body hit the carpeted floor.

"What!" Hanna woke with a jump, alarmed by the thud. "Liam?" She peered over the side.

Liam sighed, she was in some clothes he lent her. "Morning." He rubbed the back of his head where it collided with the floor. "You're still here?"

"Yeah. You let me stay since it was really late when we went to bed." Hanna crawled out of bed, standing in front of the floor length mirror on the bathroom door.

Liam got a good glimpse of his clothes on her body. They were massive compared to the tiny body they covered. His shirt was like a dress. And Liam's sweats had nothing to cling onto. She walked around, holding them up.

"My mom must be worried sick! I have to go!" Hanna quickly hurried to put her clothes back on from the night before.

"Wait." Liam grabbed her tiny Barbie like hand just as she had one foot out the door. "What if you come with me? Just for a little bit. On tour."

Hanna nibbled her lower lip. "I don't want to be invading. I'm kinda high maintenance when it comes to certain things. I'm ocd and have panic attacks. Stuff that you and your team won't want to deal with."

"It's fine, Hanna. The team will gratefully help you in any way, especially if I tell them that you are a first priority. More important than me."

"But I'm just a random girl."

Liam looked her into her eyes. "But to me, if anything happened to you, my world would crumble."

Hanna closed the hotel room door. "I guess I could stay for a few more days and see if I like it. But if I don't, I want to go home."

"Deal. Now you need to go pack!"


"Hanna!" Niall cheered when he saw the fragile girl sitting on one of the couches. He wasn't expecting her to join. "What's up?"

Niall was just a bit too hyper for the lass. Hanna wasn't a fan of loud noises and people that were just a bit too friendly. "I'm good." She barely made it audible for the loud man to hear.

Liam, sensing Hanna wasn't comfortable with Niall practically sitting on her lap, came to the rescue. "Oi, Niall. Back off a bit. Let her settle in and get used to this."

Niall nodded and padded back to wear the Xbox and play station was located. "Fucking hell. I'm going to beat your ass this time, styles." The two heard him.

"If you ever need a quiet place, some privacy, my bunk is always open if you want to lie down. Or your own bunk. The front is usually the quiet part of the bus and the farther back you get, the louder it gets. There's a small part in the back where all of our suitcases and stuff go so it's an easy access." Liam explained everything to Hanna. "Do you want to go play some video games or just sit here?"

"Maybe later." Hanna hugged Liam before climbing into her bunk, the one right across from Liam. There, she surfed the Internet, mainly Twitter and Facebook, and she slept a little.

Hanna woke up a few hours later, the loud noises from the video games were gone. Just soft snores and hushed whispers. "I hope she stays, Louis." She heard Liam whisper. Hanna opened her privacy curtains just a tad bit. From her bunk, she could see Liam and Louis drinking a cup of tea and talking to each other.

"Why wouldn't she?"

"I don't know. I haven't known her for very long. Personally that is. But I feel a deep connection. I'm wrapped around her finger."

"Let faith takes its own pace, buddy. I'm going to go to bed." Louis stood up and out his cup in the little sink to be washed in the morning. "Goodnight, Li."

"Goodnight, Lou."


Awe a little lilo moment at the end!!

- Emily xx

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