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"Mum!" Hanna yelled, her voice echoing throughout the house.

"Yes?" Jackie called from her private office that was located three doors down from the kitchen.

"We don't have any bananas or strawberries! Or mangos!"

Jackie rubbed her temples, trying to relieve the massive headache that she achieved from staring at legal papers from her cases. She stood up to go get a glass of water from the kitchen. "Then why don't you go run to the farmers market and buy some?" She suggested in a friendly motivating way.

Hanna froze. "That would mean..."

"... going out in public." Jackie finished the sentence. "Here's twenty dollars. The farmers market is only three blocks away. You'll be fine."

Hanna hesitated before taking the crisp twenty dollar note her mother held out. "Okay."

"This will hopefully help with your recovery." Jackie hugged her daughter before watching her disappear out the door.

Hanna, well. Hanna was frightened. The sun in L.A. is hotter than it would be in Southshields. Hanna could feel her pale skin burn with each step she took. Sweat rolled down her back, making her stop under a large oak tree two blocks away from the market to get some shade.

"Two more blocks. I'll get there. But what I need, and hurry home." Hanna gave herself a little pep talk.

The farmers market wasn't super busy. Hanna found the closest vendor that sold bananas and strawberries. She bought a few bananas and a couple of small boxes of strawberries. She hunted around for some mangoes before spotting them across the parking lot.

With only one left, she practically dove for it, but another persons hands got there first. Hanna let out a sigh of annoyance.

"Sorry." A British voice surprised Hanna.

She perked up. "It's fine. I can go to the store and get one." Instead of looking at the persons face, she stared at her shoes, swinging the bag of bananas and strawberries side to side.

"No, no. You can have it." A hand, belonging to a male, held out the mango for Hanna.

"No, no."

"I insist."

The stranger wasn't going to buy the mango for himself. After Hanna continued to refuse, he gave up, bought the mango himself and put it into her bag of fruit himself.

"You didn't have to." Hanna commented.

"No, I didn't. But I wanted to."

Hanna muttered a thanks and took off from the market, the bag of fruit hitting her knee every other step.

"Hanna, you're mother had a client to meet up for an early dinner. Shall I get the cook to prepare anything?" The butler, Jasper, asked the young girl.

"Can you ask her to dehydrate these fruits?" She handed Jasper the bag of fruit.

Jasper took it and nodded slightly, "I will happily abide to that." and he walked off to the kitchen.


Liam burst through the doors of the hotel room that the boys had their x box and wii set up. Louis and Niall were battling it out at FIFA and Zayn was watching, waiting to play the winner. Harry was strumming a guitar in the corner.

"What's got your knickers in a bunch?" Zayn replied, nonchalant like, barley looking at Liam's direction.

"Her. The one that I bumped into at Starbucks."

Niall paused the game, intrigued. "Haley? Is that her name?"

"Hanna." Liam corrected. "We ran into each other at the market five blocks down. She didn't look at me, she just stared at the ground. We both wanted mango but there was only one and so I was polite and bought it for her after she refused to take it and she muttered a thanks and ran."

Louis laughed. "Poor Liam. Always scaring off the girls! First Danielle, and then Sophia. And now this girl. You guys haven't even properly met! Take a break from dating! Tonight, if we are free. You and I and maybe little Niall here will go down to the bar that's a couple of blocks down and we can all get pissed and get papped returning to the hotel. We only have a few more days till the tour starts. Have a little fun."

As tempting as that sounded, Liam declined. "You and I might be newly single, but we have two totally different ways of dealing with breakups."

In his own hotel room that he and Niall shared, he opened his computer and logged onto Twitter. No DM from Hanna.

"No, it'll make me sound stalkerish." Liam refrained himself from typing a stalker like message about the run in today that happened just a few mere hours before.

Liam: So, now that you're in Los Angeles, are you going to come to a show?

He waited and waited for a reply. It took half an hour for the girl to reply.

Hanna: no, sadly. I don't have tickets.
Liam: if you come, you can come hang out backstage before and watch from the side. Because I know how you feel about being around people. And maybe hang out a little bit afterwards.
Hanna: I don't know. When is it?'
Liam: three days. I can have a ride there for you if you need it.
Hanna: .
Liam: ?
Hanna: typo.
Liam: okay

Hanna still hadn't given Liam a firm yes or no about if she was going to go to the concert.

Hanna: okay.
Liam: okay as in this is awkward or okay as in I'm going to the concert?
Hanna: okay as in I'm going to the concert

Liam practically sang to the heavens for that yes

Hanna: on one condition
Liam: anything
Hanna: there has to be dehydrated mango
Liam: done

Hanna stopped replying and so he guessed she logged off. He was used to it. She never really said goodbye when she was logging off.

Liam rolled over onto his back, smiling and singing a random tune.

"Why are you so happy?" Niall entered the room and collapsed on his bed.

Liam shuffled to lean against the headboard. "Hanna is coming to a concert here in California."

"Really? Does she have tickets? Are we gonna meet her?"

Liam shook his head. "No, no tickets. I'm sending a car to bring her and she will hang out backstage with us and chill on the side of the stage while we perform and she might hang out afterwards as well. She said she would come only if there would be dehydrated mango."

Niall chuckled. "Bro, she has you wrapped around her finger."

"Does not."

"Does too."

Does not. We don't even know each other."

"And? Does too."

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" Zayns voice was muffled but very loud through the walls of the hotel room.

"Does not." Liam whisper argued."

"Does too!" Louis sang as he poked his head through the door that connected his room to ours.

Liam flipped him off. "Fuck off, Tomlinson."


Yay! I hope you like it!!

- Emily xx

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