Thirty Three

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"Liam, why are you so jumpy?" Hanna asked, looking at him through the mirror.

Liam gave a weak smile. "I'm nervous. I'm meeting your brother."

Hanna rolled her eyes and tore her eyes from the nervous lad on her bed. She returned to her makeup, applying a little more concealer beneath her tired eyes.

Hanna didn't want to tell Liam she hasn't been sleeping since she got back to her house in LA. He'd ask why and she'd have to tell him she's been purging again.

"You don't need makeup." Liam piped in. "You're perfect without it."

Hanna blushed. "Shut up. I look like the girl from the grudge if I don't have any on."

Liam chuckled and glanced at his watch. "We're gonna be late if we don't leave in the next few minutes. Shall I carry you down the stairs?" Liam stood up and held his hand out.

"Can you handle me, my cast, and a pair of crutches?" Hanna turned around in her seat and looked at up him. "I can scoot down the stairs."

"And let your clothes get dirty? Never. C'mon."

Hanna let out a squeal as Liam picked her up and put her on his back. Liam grabbed her crutches and purse she pointed at as well and carried her out of her room and down to the front door.

"I got you." Liam have Hanna a gentle hug and a kiss on the top of her head as he set her down on the ground, carrying her purse as she took the crutches.

"I knew you wouldn't let me fall." Hanna smiled.

Twenty minutes later, the couple met up with Jared at a nice Italian restaurant for lunch. "Jared," Hanna began the introductions. "This is Liam. Liam, this is my brother, Jared."

The two men shook hands. Hanna sat to the right of Jared and to the left of Liam at the round table Jared was seated at. A waitress came over and took their drink order.

"So, Liam. How did you and Hanna meet?" Jared started the interrogation.

Liam sipped his lemon water that he ordered. "Hanna bumped into me in a Starbucks back in Brighton a few months ago and then she tweeted me about Starbucks and that's pretty much how we met."

Hanna nodded, confirming his story.

Jared sat back in his chair, fiddling his thumbs together. "What are your intentions with my sister? Are you going to get into her pants and ditch her the next day or do you actually want a relationship with my sister?"

"Jared!" Hanna squeaked. She didn't think Liam would want to get into her pants. 'Who would want to get into my pants?' She thought.

Liam out a calm hand on her hand closest to him to calm Hanna. "It's alright." He turned to Jared. "I intend to treat Hanna like she's the most important person in my life. I will cherish her and love her and be there for her. I won't do anything that'll harm her in anyway and no, I never planned on getting into her pants in the first place and don't plan to until she's ready and I'm ready. Even if it means I have to marry her first."

"Hello, may I take your order?" The waitress came up to the three of them, eager to serve them.

Hanna glanced at the menu. "If like a small chefs salad, no tomato and light balsamic vinaigrette."

"I'll take the vegetarian lasagna." Jared passed her the menu.

She looked at Liam, obviously aware of who he was. "And for you, Liam?" She practically flirted with him.

Liam didn't even look up at her. "I'll just at the mushroom ravioli, not a lot of marinara sauce. And can we get some more breadsticks?"

The waitress nodded and took the menus with the empty bread basket and returned a few seconds later with a fresh batch of breadsticks.

Jared nodded. "I see that you care a lot for my little sister. I approve."

Hanna smiled and leaned over to give Liam a kiss.

"But," Jared continued. "If you hurt her in any way, I will find you. And I will kick your ass so hard, you won't be able to sit down for a month."

Liam nodded, taking a breadstick and ripping it in half and nibbled on one half and gave the other half to Hanna, who nibbled slowly at it.

It was an awkward silence until their food arrived.

"Who's up for the movies afterwards?" Jared joked to make it less awkward. "I'm only here for five more days."

"I'm down." Hanna spoke. "Liam?"

Liam shrugged. "I don't know. I have to fly back out to the boys in five hours. I should probably get back to the hotel and pack."

Hanna nodded. "That's okay. We can go see a movie another time when I return to the tour."

Liam nodded. "It's a date."

He kissed her on the nose and they all resumed their eating.


Long awaited update. Liam and Jared met and Jared approves.

- Emily xx

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