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Hanna was sent home three days later to do her rehab at home. A nurse was to stay with her and Jared for a few weeks and then the doctors would go from there.

"Welcome home, lil sis." Jared ruffled Hannas hair.

Hanna rolled her eyes. "Shut up." She shoved him into the muddy grass from last nights rain.

"Be nice you two." Jackie scolded.

Maria, the nurse that would be doing Hannas rehabilitation snickered. "This is going to be a fun month."

"Hell yea it is!" Jared fist bumped the nurse.

Jackie scolded her eldest as the four of them walked into the foyer of the grandish Reece home. "Jared, help Maria to her room. Carry her luggage."

Hanna grabbed her stuff from her stay at the hospital and headed on up the winding staircase. The mirror she broke was gone and it looked like her room had been searched through.

A light knocking on her door drew the tired girl from her thoughts. "Yes?" She called.

"It's me, Maria."

"Come in." Hanna crawled underneath her blankets, wanting to take a nap.

Maria entered the room and looked about. Her red curly hair was everywhere as she tried to contain it in a sock bun. Her green eyes were wide and curious. "Is it okay if I search for anything dangerous later?"

Hanna yawned and nodded. "That's fine. I doubt you'll find anything. Mum and Jared probably already did that."

Maria looked at the wall Hanna had plastered posters of her favourite bands and actors and what ever else on. Most of the posters were of One Direction.

"You really like One Direction, huh?" Maria asked, sitting on the edge of Hannas bed.


Maria smiled. "Zayn is my favourite. What about you?"

"Liam." Hanna smiled, butterflies erupting in the pit of her stomach.

Maria laughed. "You two would look cute together."

Hanna slumped down ever further under the covers. "Like he would go for the emo anorexic freak." She muttered before dozing off.


So short omg 🙈

- Emily 😊

Autophobia || LiamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora