Twenty one

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"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." Liam hadn't realise they kissed until the photo was taken. Hanna didn't say anything. "I understand if you want to leave the tour. I fucked up."

Liam would've kept rambling but Hanna put a finger over his lips. "I don't want to leave. I quite liked it." She blushed. "Now, race you to the bookstore!" She grabbed the photos that were waiting and grabbed her purse, taking off down the street a few shops down, Liam hot on her heels. Liam caught up to her quickly. He snuck his arms around her small waist, swinging her around in a circle. Hanna let out a fit of giggles, giggles that made Liam's smile grow even bigger.  They out their foreheads together. "I win." Hanna gasped for air from running so quickly.

"We win." Liam pressed a kiss to her nose as he walked into the bookstore with his arms still wrapped around her waist.

Hanna squirmed out of his grip, realizing everyone in the area was staring or had their cameras out so they could photograph them or videotape them. Liam let her go, blushing at how close they were.

He watched as Hanna searched the many bookshelves, picking out several books. He paid again, not listening to Hanna's pleas that she could pay for herself. They walked around a bit, the brown paper bag of the three books Hanna picked out swinging back and forth with each step. They caused quite a big crowd of fans with the photos of them holding each other were put on the Internet for billions to look at. They eventually had to retreat back to the venue where they found Louis and Niall playing footie out by the busses while Harry ate a bowl of orange and banana and yoghurt and watched them. Zayn was probably inside sleeping or spray painting somewhere.

"Want to watch a movie?" Liam tugged me on the bus where they found Paul reading a book near the front.

"Moving a bit too fast, Liam?" Paul joked.

"Sod off." Liam playfully pushed their work out trainer. "We're just gonna go watch some movies until sound check."

"Movies." Paul smirked. "I'm gonna go find Zayn and Harry so they can do their work out session.

They were finally by themselves. "What do you want to watch? We've got horror, comedy, romance, adventure, Disney." Liam rambled off the selection.

Hanna plopped onto the couch. "Disney! Do you have The Little Mermaid?"

Liam pulled out the movie and popped it in, going up to the front to get some drinks and a couple elf snacks, popcorn for himself and some fruit for Hanna.

The two watched the movie until the very end when Eric and Ariel were trying to kill Ursula, the two of them stopped the movie, already knowing the ending.

"Look, Hanna. About that kiss." Liam tried to explain.

Hanna out her hand on his hand that rested on the felt covered couch. "Liam, you did nothing wrong. If I didn't like it, I would have told you. Or make it obvious something was wrong. You're my favourite, Liam. And to be honest here, I was freaking out my favourite celebrity in the whole world was kissing me." A blush crept onto the girls face.

Liam chuckled, loving how she was slightly embarrassed. "If you don't mind, I'd like to take you on an actual date. Like a fancy dinner or something."

"I would love that."

The two reached in and gave each other a hug. But Louis came barging in. "Liam. We have to - woah."

"Louis!" Liam jumped at the sudden unwanted person. "Ever hear of knocking?"

Louis flipped him off. "It's time for soundcheck." Louis turned in his heels. "Why are you guys just hugging? You kissed earlier!"

Louis darted off the bus and was halfway through the backstage door by the time Liam was halfway across the parking lot. "Bastard runs too fast. I swear I'll get him next time." Liam grumbled.

Hanna followed Liam to the stage and sat a few rows back, on the left side of the stage to watch.

"I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark." Harry began the first of the ten songs they would soundcheck. Screams from fans waiting outside the venue could be heard.

"All my life, you stood by me when no one else was ever behind me." Liam sang his verse when it was time.

The boys finished the first five before doing s little practice speech their management wrote for them. It was a guideline for what they talked about in between crowds.

"Take five guys. We're gonna work on some lighting real quick." The crew members told the five lads. Liam jumped down and walked over to Hanna since the barrier between the stage and the seats were not put up yet.

"You guys sound excellent." Hanna gave Liam a hug. "As always."

"Ooooooh! Liam's got a girl friend." Louis teased, talking through the mic so he could be heard.

Liam and Hanna flipped him off. "Sod off, Tomlinson." Liam replied.

"Liam and Hanna sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G." Louis began to sing as Zayn and Niall joined in. Hanna hid her embarrassment in Liam's string chest.

"Sod off, all three of you. At least he's not going around getting drunk and becoming a father." Harry sent the shade towards Louis.

"Oi! Styles! That's someone's else's baby you're talking about."

"Alright! Back to work!" A crew member shouted. "Let's just get this over with."

"Same, crew member, same. I have a date with my bed shortly." Zayn agreed with the mans tiredness.

"I counted all my mistakes and there's only one." They ran through Where Do Broken Hearts Go and moved onto 18.

"We tuk a chónce."

Hanna couldn't help but shout out, "WHAT THE FUCK IS A CHÓNCE?" Before falling to the ground, dying of laughter.

Niall faked a laugh to go along with it. "Why do they do this to me." He fake wept onto Liam's shoulder. "All I wanted to do is grow up and be the Irish Justin Bieber!"

"I'm sorry, mate." Liam awkwardly patted his friend. "And you are. Now let's get back to work."


Ughhhhh cuteness and sassness all in one update.

Thoughts, opinions?

- Emily xx

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