Chapter Sixty-Five - Sozin's Comet Pt. 3: Into the Inferno

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Dedicated to all the awesome readers of this book, whose votes and comments encourage me to keep writing.


Previously, on Avatar...

"Sozin's Comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us..."


"There is one more technique you need to know before facing my father. Iris knows it. How to redirect lightning..."


"Even though we don't know where Aang is, we have to help Iris to stop the Airship Fleet..."


"It's time for this world to end in fire and for a new world to be born from the ashes..."


"What if Aang doesn't show up?" Toph asked.

"I'll have to face the Fire Lord alone," Iris said.


"If I don't come back, I want you know I love you, I always did," Iris said.

"Iris, don't say that, we are both going to survive from this," Zuko said.


"I guess I don't have a choice, Momo. I have to kill the Fire Lord,"

~ (8) ~

The sky was filled with all the shades of red and orange. The Comet finally arrived. Iris could feel its power, igniting her fire bending, making it powerful like it'd never felt before. She tried to ignore it and follow the eel hound her friends rode, and she kept flying from above.


Katara and Zuko continued flying on Appa towards the Capital of the Fire Nation. Zuko was somehow determined to return back safe. He had to return back and be glad to see that Iris would be okay too. He couldn't stop worrying. But he was also worried about Aang not being there. Iris wouldn't be able to face Ozai alone. She'd need Aang there too. And what if Aang doesn't take Ozai's life?

Zuko couldn't stop the worry.

"Zuko, don't worry, we can take Azula," Katara said noticing the worried expression on Zuko's face.

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about Iris... and Aang. What if he doesn't show up and Iris will have to face my father alone? Or what if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father?" Zuko asked worriedly and then he looked at Katara seriously "What if he loses?"

"Aang won't lose. He's got Iris, and they're gonna come back..." Katara said trying to convince herself too. She turned and looked back at the direction they were heading. She couldn't even consider the thought of losing Aang "...he has to,"


The eel hound continued sailing in the sea. Suki looked behind at the Comet that was passing close to the earth.

"It's weird to say but the Comet actually looks beautiful," Suki said.

"Too bad the Fire Lord is about to use it to burn the world," Iris said bitterly flying along with them from above.

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