Chapter Forty-Six - Sokka's Master

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One night, something amazing happened. As they all set up to camp, a meteor shower filled the sky. Countless of stars fell from the sky in different directions and their lights slowly fading. Iris never used to stargaze like a 'dreaming teenager' even when she was one she didn't have time. But after all the almost twenty years of her life she had never seen anything alike.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch!" Katara said amazed.

"Kind of makes you feel like how insignificant we are," Sokka said.

"Wow, Sokka, that's very noble of you," Iris said sarcastically making Aang and Katara snicker. Sokka shot her a deadly look and she said "But I must agree with you. An old lady like me, in all of my years, I've never seen something alike,"

"Aha! So you admit you're old," Sokka said but everyone ignored him.

"Hey, don't call my sister 'old'!" Aang said irritated.

"Common, guys, this kind of things happen only once in a long time, let's just enjoy it," Katara said without taking her gaze off the sky.

"Nah, you've seen nothing once, you see it a thousand times," Toph said boringly.

After she said that, a huge meteor came really close to Earth and the view was even more amazing. They woke up with widely opened eyes.

"Oh, man, you've, never, not seen anything like this!" Sokka said.

The meteor reached so close that it crashed some meters away. They all decided to check it out and they got on Appa. They flew towards the spot the meteorite had fallen and it had created a huge dent on the ground. Still, the fire that came with it started spreading around the forest.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Iris said.

"Not if we can stop it," Aang said and he landed Appa close to it.

Only Katara got on Appa's head "There's a creek over here, I'll bend the water up on the fire," and she shook the reins and flew away.

"Toph, let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer, Iris I need you to use your fire bending to light off the flames," Aang said and they started running towards it.

"You got it, bro," Iris said and she heard Sokka asking from behind.

"What should I do?"

The others stared skeptically at him "Keep an eye on Momo," Aang said.

"Oh, and keep my cane for me," Iris said giving him the cane.

"Oh, so you can suddenly walk?!" Sokka exclaimed angrily.

"It hurts a bit but I've got to do this, right?" Iris asked ignoring his cold glare on her and she walked towards the fire.

While Toph and Aang were creating the trench with their earth bending, Iris stood in front of the fire and she tried to remember one fire bending form she had learned from Master Jeong-Jeong's scrolls. She got in the horse stance and she put the two fingers together in her both arms. Iris drew all the smoke from the fire that eventually shut the flames of the one side.

Katara came with the water on Appa and lit some of the flames off shooting it from above. Iris hurried with her brother and together they bent the water on the trench the fire was trapped in. Using their water bending an air bending together, the water turned to snow and the fire was lit off.

"Good work, everybody," Aang said placing his hands on his waist.


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