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Since the live-action came out today, I thought I'd post the next edited chapter:
|3.2| Kyoshi Island

What did y'all think about the live-action? Been scrolling through social media and I get mixed reviews, some ppl liked it, some hated it. Hbu?

Also, I think I'll be posting the edited version on Ao3 soon.



"You have no idea where you're heading, do you?" Sokka asked arching an eyebrow as he turned at Aang who was sitting on the Bison's head.

"Well, I know it's near water," Aang shrugged.

Sokka looked beneath them at the vast ocean. "We must be getting close then," he said sarcastically.

Aang turned and looked at Katara who kept sewing her brother's pants spending all of her attention to the task.

"Momo, marbles please," he said, and Momo immediately wrapped a bracelet from his pocket with blue pearls. "Hey, Katara, check this airbending trick," he said, and he started spinning the bracelet between his hands with his airbending.

"That's great, Aang," Katara said without looking.

Aang stopped doing the trick "But you didn't even look."

Katara turned her attention at him at last "It's great."

"But I'm not doing it now."

"Leave her alone, arrowhead," Sokka huffed "you need to give girls some space when they do their sewing," he said waving his hand.

"What does, being-a-girl, has to do with sewing?" Katara said and she shot a glare at her brother.

"Simple, girls are better at sewing and guys are better in hunting and fighting. It's just the natural order of stuff,"

Katara grinned. "I bet if Iris were here, you wouldn't say that."

Sokka's aloof expression tensed up right away and he sat straight. "I- I- Iris is not a girl."

"Then what is she, genius?" Katara arched an eyebrow.

"Iris..." Aang sighed heavily before Sokka could say something stupid. His goofy smile disappeared in an instant, drawing the attention of the two siblings.

"What is it Aang?" Katara asked worriedly.

"I... I had a sister named Iris," Aang said nostalgically. It had been a hundred years. There was no way she was alive and the chances of her being the same person they were talking about were slim.

"Aw, Aang..." Katara stood up and approached him. She placed a hand on his shoulder "...I'm sorry," she had no idea what she'd do if the same happened between her and her brother. Surely, most times Sokka was an expert at getting on her nerves, but she loved her brother no matter how much they fought.

Aang tried to slip back to his optimism and a bright smile spread on his lips. "It's alright, Katara," he turned and looked at the two siblings. "So, who is this new Iris?"

Katara tried to respond, but Sokka fell between them with a serious look on his face.

"She's a fierce warrior who served as an Earth Kingdom Assassin for years," he made it sound so overdramatic, if Iris were there, she'd roll her eyes and probably smack him too "she became a great enemy of the Fire Nation," Sokka smirked.

He admired her even though he knew her weaknesses. Iris was hard to understand, and she was making it even harder for others to learn what she thought and felt by always being quiet. She was cold and ruthless but skilled. So very skilled. He had asked her to teach him some of those skills, but she had refused.

When Hatred turned to Love (ATLA Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now