You. N. I.

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Hello! There will become lyrics in this chapter, and PLEASE READ THEM! They really relate to the story and are IMPORTANT! Enjoy! Xxx 


Nicole's POV (The Next Morning)

Yesterday with Zayn was great, but I miss my friends so, so much. I dialled Mia's cell.

*ring,ring,ring,ring,ring.... Hi! It's Mia! I can't get to the phone, but leave a message and I'll call you back!* is what I heard. I decided that leaving a message was no use because I knew she wouldn't call me back. I knew I would have to have a more hands on approach. I threw on a flannel, jeans, and converse, before grabbing my keys and walking out to my car. I was driving to Mia's house.


I rang the doorbell on Mia's front gate. I waited a couple minutes for someone to answer. Then, I heard footsteps coming. My heart started to beat faster and faster, and the gate flew open, but it was only Mia's little brother, Brandon.

"Hi Nicole!" he said with a goofy smile.

"Hi Brandon" I said, my heart beat slowing down to a normal speed.

"Is Mia here?" I asked, hopeful.

"Yeah.. She's in the kitchen watching Spongebob" Brandon answered, letting me walk past him. I slowly walked into the house, trying to gather up enough courage to talk to Mia.

"Was this a bad idea?" I thought to myself. I just brushed those feelings aside and walked into the kitchen. Mia was watching Spongebob, and didn't seem to notice me.

"Brandon, who was at the door?" Mia asked, still looking at the t.v. screen. I looked around. Bradon wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I guess she thought I was him.

"Who was at the door?" Mia repeated.

"Me." I answered. Mia's head whipped around.

"Nicole? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to talk to you." I answered.

"Well I'm not going to talk to you" Mia said, turning back around and facing the t.v.

"Fine. Then just listen" I said, sitting down on the countertop in front of her.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I don't see why what happened between me, Zayn, and Liam has to effect our friendship" I started. Mia narrowed her eyes at me.

"You don't see it?" She said, sharpness in her voice. I shook my head, warily.

"This all effects our friendship! I can't even look at you the same way after knowing that you cheated on Liam! WITH ONE OF HIS BEST FRIENDS!" Mia added.

"No, no,no." I started, "You've got this all wrong. Zayn kissed ME."

"BUT YOU KISSED HIM BACK!" Mia yelled. I jumped off the counter and started for the door, but before I could leave, Mia grabbed ahold of my arm and yanked me back.

"What the hell?" I shouted.

"Did you even love Liam?" Mia asked. Just that question made me want to slap her across the face... but I couldn't.

"Of course I did!" I shouted.

"Answer one more question for me." Mia demanded. " Are you with Zayn?" I didn't even know how to answer. I just looked at Mia, unsure what to say.

"I knew it." She said, as she walked into her room. I grabbed my bag and stepped out the front door. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I felt tears coming down my face.

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