Welcome Home Nicole!

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Hi everyone! So a few days ago, I wrote this chapter, and hen IT ALL GOT DELETED! I was so upset and couldn't even think about my book... So I'm sorry if something's feel a little rushed.. I don't have the patience to write everything perfect again!


Mia's POV

I went to a local boutique and bought Nicole a new dress for tonight. It's a strapless, black maxi dress. I also bought her some thin, gold hoop earnings and a Golding with a blue stone in the center. She's been wanting one of those for so so long! As I climbed into my car, I texted Liam to let him know apt hat I was on my way backto finish decortating.

When I opened the front door, I saw Louis and Zayn hanging up a banner that said, "Welcome Home" when they saw me, they froze.

"so.. Whatdo you think?" Zayn asked.

"It looks great," I said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Did you buy Nicole's dress?" Louis asked. I nodded.

"LET ME SEE," Louis said, running towards me and looking a the bag, but before he could open it, I pulled away.

"Mia!" he said in a whiny tone.

"You'll see it on her tonight" I said, as I walked out to the patio. It looked amazing! The small, wooden stage was set up, and so was a large table. There were lights everywhere too! ..in the trees, around the stage, and cris crossed from tree too tree above the table.

Liam came up behind me. "You like it?"

"Yeah! It looks awesome! I just need to add one more thing" I answered. I went into the storage closet, grabbing the cushions that I had bought at the supply store. I decided to get beige ones and salmon colored pillows. We were gonna sit in these while we watched the boys perform.

"There. Everything is finished!" I said.

"Wait-who is coming?" I asked the boys, who were standing around me in a circle.

"we've got it covered" Harry said.

"I invited everyone from the X-Factor" Liam said.

"I invited Ed md your friends Lucy and Charlotte" Harry said, giving me a warm smile.

"I invited a date" Niall said, before running into the house.

"so did I" Louis added.

"Lou! Noo!" Harry said, before falling to his knees and looking up at Louis.

"Ahem" I said. Hery turned around, before giving me a wink. I just laughed.

"Well thanks guys! And remember, your on food duty! I'm gonna go to Nicole's! See you in a few hours!" I said. I gave Harry a goodbye kiss and hit the road.


Nicole's POV

Ever since Liam left this morning, I have been watching tv. One word. Boring. My Dad walked into the room.

"you gonna see your friends tonight?" He asked.

"Doesmt look like it." I said, asi slouched back down into my current position. Then, the doorbell rang.

"Who could that be?" my Dad asked, as he walked to the front door. I heard it click open.

"Oh, hello." he said, before leading the guest into my sitting area. I looked up to see Mia. She had a grin on her face.

"Oh no." I said.

"Oh yes!" she mimicked, before pulling me up and leading me into my room.

"Open it!" she demanded, pushing a large bag into my hands.

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