I Love You

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Mia's POV

After everyone left, I called my parents to let them know I was sleeping over at Nicole's house.

" So.. what happened between you and Harry today?" Nicole asked me. I smiled.

" Well.. he kissed me. I mean, it definatly wasn't the first time he has kissed me, but this time he REALLY kissed me!.. You know how in the movies they say you can feel sparks? Well that happened!" I answered.

" That's great!" Nicole said.

" Yeah! I think so too! So how are things with you and Liam?" I asked.

"Amazing! I know I've ony been with him for a little while, but I can't picture my life without him.." Nicole said. Her eyes lit up.

" It seems like you and Liam are meant for eachother." I said,watching Nicole grin.

" It's so weird to think that out of all the girls they could be with, Harry and Liam actually picked us." she said.

" I know! We're the luckiest girls on the planet!" I exclaimed. Nicole's phone started to ring.


Nicole's POV

I picked up my phone, looking at the screen to see who was calling. It was Liam.

" Hello?" I asked sweetly.

" Nicole!" Liam said, in his deep voice.

"Hi Liam" I replied.

" So I've been thinking..." he said. Oh my god! Was he gonna break up with me because of my dad or something? I stayed quiet.

" I want to take you on a trip.... If you will come..?" Liam asked nervously.

" Yes! Of course! jeez! You scared me!" I said.

" Whay did I do?" Liam asked. I could tell that on the other end of the phone, he was smiling.

" When you said we need to talk, I thought you were breaking up with me!My heart sunk!" I explained. I didn't hear anything.

" Hello?" I asked. Still no answer.

" Heeelloo?" I asked once more. I checked my phone, only to see that Liam had hung up.

" What happened?" Mia asked. I told Mia every detail of my phone call with Liam.

" I'm sure he just accidentaly hung up..." Mia explained. I sat down on the edge of my bed and stared at my feet. Then, I heard some tapping on my window. Mia and I both looked at eachother in terror. I was scared because I have seen practically every horror movie ever made, and sometimes I tell Mia about them because she's too scare to actually watch one.

" Get down on the floor!" I whispered to Mia, who followed the directions I gave her. I turned off the light, then crawled to the closet and got my baseball bat for protection..... just in case there was a killer outside. *Tap, tap, tap* I heard again. I crawled up to the window, and slowly moved the curtain. It was pitch black outside and I couldn't see anything.

"This is ridiculous!" I thought to myself. I got up and opened the window.

" Hello?" I asked, shaking, while holding the baseball bat in my hands, ready to swing. Then, someone grabbed me and pulled me outside.

" Get off of me!" I yelled.

" Nicole! It's me! Liam!" Liam said, letting go of me. I felt my heart start to go back to its regular beating pattern.

" Liam?" I asked.

 " Yes!" He asnswered.

" Oh my god! I thought you were a killer or something!" I said, jumping onto Liam, who caught me and brought me into a hug.

"Well, I would kill anyone who hurts you." He answered. I smiled. He is so sweet.

" I don't think that will be nessecary.." I said, in between laughs. He carefully set me down on the ground. Then I remembered Mia was still inside, crouched down in the corner of my room.

" Mia! It's just Liam!" I whispered. I heard a sigh of relief, when she said,"Okay!" I turned back to Liam.

" It's nice to see you, but why are you here so late at night?" I asked.

" Well after you said that you thought I was going to break up with you, I had to see you.." Liam explained. "Nicole, I would never break up with you! I know that we've only been with eachother for a few weeks, but..."

" But what?" I asked, gently touching Liam's face.

" I was going to tell you this when we go on a nice date or something... but, Nicole.. I love you." He said. I leaned in and kissed him passionatly.Then, he brought me into a long hug.

" Liam?" I asked.

" Yes, love?" He answered.

" I love you too" I said, looking into his eyes." I couldn't imagine my life without you..." I added.

" I couldn't bare life without you!" Liam said, as he kissed me once more. We said our goodbyes for the night, and Liam lifted me back into my window.

" So I'll call you tomorrow?" He asked.

" I'm looking foward to it!" I answered, waving goodbye. I watched Liam pass my house in the boy's shared van.


Liam's POV

When I arrived back to the house that I shared with the boys, they all bombarded me with questions.

" What happened?" Niall asked.

" I told Nicole I loved her tonight." I said, as I felt a smile spread across my face.

" Now that's what I'm talking about!" Zayn said, in his Indian accent.

" That's fantastic mate!" Louis yelled, giving me a light pat on the shoulder.

" Well did she say it back?" Harry asked.

" Yes!" I said, standing up. " This calls for the 1,2,3 flick!" I yelled.

" DO IT! DO IT!" The boys chanted, in unison. I bobbed my head to the side three times, before flicking my hair.

" YEAH BUDDAY!" Niall yelled. " I wish Justin Bieber would do that! I think that move could really work for him!" He said. Niall is so osessed with JB. The boys and I played pokemon for about an hour. I was playing harry on my nintendo when he yelled, " YES! I win!"

" No,no,no.... I won!" I said. Harry made a sad face. We all decided that we should get some rest.

" I've got to get my beauty sleep! This doesn't happen all my itself!" Zayn said, pointing to his face.


Nicole's POV ( The next morning)

I woke up, only to see Mia snoring. I couldn't take the horrible noise, so I grabbed my ipod and turned on What Makes You Beautiful, by One Direction.

" You're insecure, don't know what for.." Liam sang. Those words fit me so well! I don't know why Liam would ever love me..  He could have practically any girl he wanted..

"Nicole?" Mia said, waving her hand in front of my face. I ripped the earphones out of my ears.

" Yeah? Sorry! I was just thinking" I said.

" Oh, ok! Well after I raid your pantry, I'm gonna head home... I have a date with Harry tonight!" Mia said.

" YAY! Do you want me to come over and do your makeup?" I asked.

" Yes! Thank you so much! Come over at 6? Harry is picking me up at 8!" Mia yelled. I could tell she was really excited.


Hope you like the chapter! Please VOTE and COMMENT! xx

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