It's a Long Story...

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Nicole's POV

" Dad! I'm going to Mia's and sleeping over tonight!" I yelled, as I searched for my keys. I found them wedged in between some magazines. 

" Behave!" he yelled back.

" Why do you always say that?" I asked, walking towards the front door.

" Because I know how you two get sometimes..." he said, trailing off.

"....Ok.. I love you! See you tomorrow!" I said, not waiting for him to reply. I climbed into my mini cooper and drove off. Mia's house was about 15 minutes away. I turned on the radio.

" You're insecure.. Don't know what for. turning heads when you walk though the door.." I heard. It was Liam singing! I've heard this song a million times before, but after yesterday, everything is so different. I pulled up next to the curb, and got out of my car, rining the doorbell on the gate. 

" Mia should really unlock this when she is expecting me!" I thought to myself. As I thought this, Mia opened the gate, smiling at me.

" Hi buddy!" she said.

" Hello! What do you want to do today?" I asked.

" Mall?" she suggested. " I need to get some new cothes!"

" Me too!" I said. About an hour later we were in my car, headed for the mall.


Zayn's POV

" Mate." I said, walking into Liam's room, his back facing me.

" We need to talk about what happened last night. It wasn't what you think!" I said.

" So you don't like Nicole?" Liam said, surprising me that he was actually speaking to me.

" No! We're just friends! What happened was..." and I told him how I saw a beautiful girl walk through the door and how she smiled at me and I accientally spit my food all over Nicole.. what i really whispered in her ear and how louis pushed me into them.

" Wow. I'm really sorry mate. I belive you now, but you've got to admit that it did look bad.." Liam said.

" Yeah, I know. But im glad we're buds again!" I said, tackling him. All of a sudden I felt 3 more bodies on top of me . 

" Lads! I can't breathe!" Liam said. 

" Sorry!" Harry, Louis, and Niall said in unison.

" What do you lads want to do today?" I asked.

" I need to get some more pokemon games!" Niall said.

" OOOhh! Me too!" Liam said. We all agreed that we needed to get more games, so we were gonna leave for the mall in 15 minutes.


Mia's POV

Me and Nicole were walking through the mall, practically going into every store. 

" Let's go in there!" Nicole said, pointing at a store with a bunch of vintage things in it.

" Okay!" I said. As we were walking through the store, which I have to admit, was very cool, I tripped on my shoe lace and hit a shelf, knocking over a bunch of glass candle holders. They knocked to the ground, making a very loud noise. Everyone was staring.

" Mia!" Nicole whispered, crouching down on her knees, picking up the candle holders. Luckily, none of them broke, but it was still really embarrassing!

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