KJ characters as quotes my online friends have said

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[Jack] okay but listen, if no one actually dies then it's technically not illegal

[King] what no, that's still counted as an assault

[King] an assault is illegal

[Silent] assalt



[Akai] has anyone seen my jacket

[Jack] idk but find it soon we can be twins


[Akai] give back my god damn jacket, Joker


[Jack] ughghg i don't want to clean my room

[Akai] set it on fire

[Jack] no


[Nash] I smell spam

[Queen] wait what's spam

[Nash] its canned meat

[Queen] meat?? In a can??

[Queen] that isn't right eat normal meat pls

[Nash] jfc


[Cyan] i ran off into the night and just ran through random streets until i didn't know where i was and met random teenagers and almost threw up because i ran so far

[Jack] wtf are you okay

[Cyan] no


[Rose] clouds

[Nash] relate


[Simon] I didn't realize I was clenching my teeth really tightly so when I opened my mouth again it was just

[Simon] Pain

[Hugo] yeah enjoy your god damn suffering

[Simon] bitch


[Akai] I've trapped myself in my room and it's become a huge oven

[Jack] what the fuck


[Jack] I love bowling

[King] are you okay


I'm boooooored

Shout out to my best friend™ that doesn't even have a wattpad account, but they provided literally 3/4 of the quotes 👌🏼👌🏼

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