Since I've been focusing on Akai and Joker too much

398 20 7

[Hachi] ...

[Jack] ?

[Hachi] Mr. Joker

[Hachi] you know how I have an entire portion of my garden for strawberries

[Jack] ye

[Hachi] it's completely empty

[Hachi] wHeRe DiD aLl mY sTrAwBeRRies Go

[Queen] uh

[Hachi] oh my god-

[Queen] I was actually came here to say it actually wasn't me this time

[Queen] Grandpa helped me make our own garden for strawberries so I have no need to steal from you guys anymore

[Hachi] wait, if it wasn't you,

[Hachi] then who was it??

[Hachi] Mr. Joker???

[Jack] you can check my room and the entire sky joker for clues but I swear to Phoenix that it wasn't me

[Hachi] hm

[Rose] oh no

[Rose] I'm so sorry D:

[Rose] Since Big brother always gets stuff from you I thought it was fine if I got some things too

[Hachi] oh

[Rose] i would return them but I already turned them into either jam, shake or I put them on my pie

[Hachi] it's

[Hachi] it's alright, I guess

[Rose] sorryyy


It took me like five minutes to choose who would've stolen the strawberries if it wasn't Queen

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