I start a chapter then i stop halfway to start another, is that bad

432 23 1

[King] Joker, this plan is stupid

[Jack] when have my plans ever been bad

[Akai] ...

[Jack] don't

[Jack] don't answer that question

[King] That time when you thought it was a good idea to disguise ourselves as lion cubs to sneak our way through a zoo but ended up getting caught and tossed into a live lion cage where we almost died

[King] that other time when you thought jumping off a 100 floor building and into the sea, only to find that your trajectory was wrong and almost died if it wasn't for Master attaching emergency balloon gum to ours backs

[King] also that time when you told me not to answer your question

[Akai] wow, Joker sure was an idiot

[King] he still is

[Jack] wow, thanks

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