Lmao Jack kicked Akai out of the chat for this

696 28 14

[Akai has been banned from the chat]

[Queen] What

[Jack] Okay so, I need to adress this problem right here and now.

[King] What's been happening?

[Jack] So lately, the yawning jerk has been acting more and more like a bird.

[Jack] I saw him grooming his wings the other day, I heard chirping from his room. And he asked me to stop by a forest area so he could take a bird bath.

[King] Maybe it's really normal for him to do that stuff?

[Jack] Possibly, it's really getting annoying

[Jack] So Hachi was out the other day to buy ingredients for curry,

[Jack] And Phoenix walked up to me, tilted his head curiously then suddenly buried his face into my hair.

[Jack] He's always getting more frantic to fly around nowadays.

[Jack] Did i mention he latched his talons onto my head yesterday.

[Cyan] So sad

[Jack] Shut up

[Cyan] Pft, nah

[Jack] Okay so anyway

[Jack] With all his bird like actions, im gonna try and do an experiment

[King] What are you gonna do?

[Jack] I'm gonna throw a blanket over him and see if he passes out.

Experiment time

[Jack added Akai to the chat]

[Akai] I feel like I should be mad about you kicking me out, Joker

[Akai] Anyway i was thinking of-

[Jack] BOOM


[King] good job?

[Jack] I feel accomplished yet so empty


Lmao, I was just playing around with my sister's birb and got inspired to do this

Lmao, I was just playing around with my sister's birb and got inspired to do this

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That picture is them :P

Lmao yeah I'm really bored

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