I should be doing the last remaining chapters with the ocs but eh, have this

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[Dump] Wtf did you just do?

[Dump] what the heck is this?

[King] I kissed you

[King] its called affection

[Dump] it's disgusting

[Dump] do it again


[Jack] it's so hot

[Akai] sorry

[Jack] .

[Jack] ..

[Jack] ...

[Jack] well you and your sorry ass can go back to the fiery pits of hell where you belong


[Ai] maybe the three of us could get something matching

[Ai] that's what I've seen other groups of friends do

[Rose] like what?

[Queen] ooh! How about matching necklaces!

[Rose] but what kind?

[Ai] i would like a cute design, like a rose

[Rose] aw! That's sweet!

[Queen] but I wanted something cool, like a sword

[Jack] yall can get a necklace with my face engraved onto it

[Jack] because I'm both cute and cool

[Ai] woa

[Ai] i think i just saw Queen kick Joker out of his own ship


I like how Queen, Ai, and Rose are the only ones with a decent relationship

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