Why am i like this and why do i find it funny

429 28 10

[Jack] okay okay

[Jack] so Spade and Queen will take out the guards in the west and east sides of the facility, Akai will take care of the ones in the back, leaving the ones in the front alone.

[King] I did my research and saw that the east side has 20 guards outside of the entrance, 10 inside. The same with the west, the back has 50 guards both in and out.

[King] The front has the least, approximately 10 guards, but all of them are specifically selected and specially trained by war veterans.

[Queen]Ho boy, okay

[Akai] Joker should be able to take care of them, right?

[Cyan] what about me?

[Jack] okay here's the plan

[Jack] Shadow, you go up to the guards then start stripping-

[Cyan] wHAT, NO

[Jack] okay , yeah

[Jack] you're right

[Jack] I'll get naked

[King] NO

[Queen] NO

[Cyan] NO

[Jack] Phoenix, don't you dare say yes

[Akai] I...

[Akai] okay

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