I really dont know what to put here so

894 41 7

[Blue has joined the chat]

[Blue] Hello!

[Jack] Hey, Captain Blue!

[Blue] Joker? Is that your real name: Jack?

[Jack] It is! Surprised?

[Blue] Not really, but at the time kinda

[Jack] Lmao

[Akai] *peeks in*

[Jack] Yawning Jerk, we aren't roleplaying

[Akai] *Death glare intensifies*

[Blue] What?

[Akai] *death glare intensifies even more*

[Jack] you're not okay, Phoenix

[Akai] T h a t W i m p y P i r a t e I s H o g g i n g Y o u

[Blue] Excuse me?

[Akai] You are excused

[Blue] R00d

[Jack] lol what even

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