At Universal Studios

696 31 16

Since Universal is a pretty crowded and noisy place, they're texting so they can understand each other.

[Hachi] Where did Mr. Joker go

[Queen] Now that you mention it...

[King] Did we lose him again

[Silver Heart] It seems so

[Akai] Oh, you're looking for Joker?

[Hach] Yeah

[Akai] He's on top of the ferris wheel with that Shadow person

[King] What

[Akai] They're fighting too

[Queen] What

[Akai] I think I just saw Joker fall

[Hachi] wHAT

[Silver Heart] WHERE ARE YOU

[Akai] Im just being the eyes in the sky

[Jack] Jeez, that was one hell of a fall

[Hachi] Are you alright? Where are you? Do you need me to get the first aid kit?

[Jack] I'm fine

[Jack] But i think I want to go home now

[Queen] Why?

[Jack] I think I broke my arm

[King] Holy-

Kaitou Joker //Text Messages\\Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz