Y'all are gey

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[King] Hey, Dump.

[Dump] It's President D for you

[King] President Dump

[Dump] Stop

[King] No thanks ^^

[King] Anyways, I was wondering if you were the one that left an apple with a spade carved onto it in my room.

[King] I woke up with it on my night desk

[King] Was that you?

[Dump] Why yes, I was the one who happened to leave it there.

[King] Why?

[Dump] I wanted my favorite person to wake up to my favorite snack.

[Jack] How sweet ;333

[Akai] Now, kiss

[King] What on Earth...

[Dump] Tch, such children

[Jack] ;)))

[King] Do not provoke my boyfriend

[King] **Dump

[Jack] What

[Jack] Your what

[Jack] Spade, oh my~

[King] Stop

[Akai] Ohoho, interesting 

[Queen] Come on, Joker. Don't tease them.

[Rose] Yeah, don't be so mean

[Jack] what about the yawning jerk? Aren't you guys gonna scold him?

[Ai] You're just gonna get really triggered and salty if we pick a fight with Mr. Phoenix

[Jack] What was that

[Ai] ...

[Jack] whatever, y'all are gay so meh

[Queen] Are you accusing me of being lesbian?

[Jack] Is there something wrong?

[Queen] I mean, I don't know

[Jack] //shrug

[Cyan] Do n o t start that again

[Jack] Lmao

[Cyan] Rose, the apple pie is waiting for you in kitchen.

[Rose] Okay :D

[Queen] I've never tried apple pie before

[Rose] You haven't ? D:

[Rose] Its so delicious! Especially when it's still warm! The sweet scent of the apple, and the wonderful flavor! It's incredible!

[Queen] Mhm, sounds yummy. Maybe I should head over and try some

[Rose] You should! Big brother's apple pie is the best!

[Queen] Then I'll head right over.

[Jack] Gey

[Ai] I've prepared apple pie many times before, but I've never actually tried it. Mr. Spade, what does my apple pie taste like?

[King] Average, i guess. I mean, it's not the best but it's still really good.

[Dump] I want apple pie

[Akai] What the hell is wrong with you people?

[King] ???

[Akai] Apple pie is sWEET-

[Jack] wow

[King] what??

[Jack] He just hates sweets, loves spicy. That's why he really enjoys it when I dump hot sauce into his curry.

[Akai] Yep 👍🏽

[Akai] Hachi's curry is great, but the hot sauce makes it greater. >:3

[Jack] He almost burned down my room while eating curry

[Akai] And i have no regrets ;33

[Jack] D:<

[Silver Heart] Is there even anyone here who isn't gay?

[Silver Heart] I mean, besides me.

[Arsene Lupin has joined the chat]

[Lupin] I sense a lie

[Silver Heart] Crap

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