Chapter 1

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It's amazing how you perceive the world. How colors can change in a split second. How light can never brighten your day ever again. How all people look the same, boring and dull and lifeless. The past few months has been the craziest days of my life. But I would gladely take crazy over what I'm feeling now, it's like I have a hole in my heart, a hole that can never be filled ever again. Every beat my heart makes reminds me of how dead my sister and mother are, how it was supposed to be me. If only my father kept me dead nothing would have happened to them.

It has been a week since the funeral. I couldn't bare all those pretenders, talking about my mother as if they knew her. Pretending to be sad when most of them barely even looked at her when she was alive. Those who always gossiped about her and talked behind her back faking innocence and love for my mother. I left in the middle of the service. I couldn't go through with it and I sure as hell couldn't look at those people "honoring" my mother and my sister. I've spent all my time at home ever since. Blocked out of the world.


"Cole, it's your dad. I haven't heard from you in a week. Please call me back." How can I even look at him after everything? I just lost the only family I have ever known. Should I pretend like everything was okay in front of him? I can't. He is a constant reminder of their death. If I just stayed dead, if I never learned all about magic, my mother and sister would still be here. So I decided I won't see him from now on. I don't want to look at him. I hear a knock on the door, I picture Alex running to see who was at the door, I hear her voice in my mind as clear as the knock, like she's still here. I see her beautiful eyes looking at me with joy and annoyance and sometimes disgust and I grin involuntarily. A sad grin.

I jerk up from the couch, and head to the door to open it.

"Hey..." Charlotte says once the door is open. The way she's looking at me, not like other people, it wasn't sympathy it's like she understands how I feel. And I know she does, losing her father, her cousin and probably more because of that curse.

"Charlotte" I say, ever since the 'accident', it's like I've lost my curtsy, I didn't bother to think how they would feel if I say what was on my mind. "What are you doing here?" I didn't mean it in a hurtful way, I was just tired. I couldn't bare the company of others anymore.

"I came here because I thought maybe you need someone." She says.

"You made it clear the last time we talked, I hurt you. And it took me a while to really accept being alone. So no I don't need you." I say in a tired low voice.

I can see that I hurt her with this. but she steadies herself and says, "it's not about that. I came here because I thought maybe you needed to talk about what happened with someone. And I'm here as your friend. I know how hard it must be. Believe me I know how you feel..."

"No you don't!" I cut her off, almost yelling, "you don't know how it feels! Nobody does!" I couldn't stop my tears from surfacing. She comes closer to me and hugs me, staying silent. I don't know what changed, or what had happened to Charlotte to suddenly change her mind about me, but it didn't feel right for me anymore. I used to crave for her touch, I used to feel like when she was around I was at my happiest moment. Now her presence has no effect on me, it doesn't stir anything inside me. I push her away, "What do you want Charlotte?" Even as I say her name, it sounds different.

She flashes me a look filled with pain and hurt. "I thought you needed me here, but I guess I was wrong." She breaks her gaze from me and turns around to leave. I close the door immediately and return to my position on the couch, return to my solitude.

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