"You tried to fix it?!" Namjoon slaps and open palm to his forehead and groans.

"Hyung, you can't mess with someone else's spell! The two of you accidentally combined your magic, enough that you changed the course of nature! Neither of you have weak magic, hyungs. Didn't you think of that?"

There's a sheepish smile on Jin's face now, and he laughs nervously. "No. Haha, I didn't think of that. It's never happened before."

Yoongi doesn't respond.

Namjoon, sensing the silent rebellion against his appraisal, shifts his powerful gaze to
the ebony-haired man.

"Hyung," Namjoon says gently, in a very, very soft voice. "Cooperate, okay? We don't want a repeat of last time you wouldn't listen to me."

Jin's smile falls off his face quickly.

Yoongi shivers.

"Wonder what happened last time," Jimin muses to you in cautious curiosity even as Jungkook edges up behind you, holding onto the back of your shirt for security. His chin settles into the crook of your shoulder, soft black hair brushing your face.
Y/N," he says, but he doesn't get any other words out before every other male in the room attacks him.

"Y/N?!" Jimin shouts, at the exact same time as Jin hollers, "YOU SHOW RESPECT TO YOUR ELDERS!" and Namjoon clicks his tongue in disapproval.

The ex-rabbit jumps in fright at all of the loud voices directed at him.

"Y/N," Jin mimics with a scoff. "Kids these days. That's your senior, Mr. Bunny Rabbit. You better not call her just 'Y/N' again, at least not in front of me."

A grumpy Jimin harrumphs in agreement.

"Seriously?" you admonish. "He's been human for a total of, like, fifteen hours, and you're going to get mad because he doesn't know honorifics?"

"Um, hey," Hoseok cuts in softly. "Can we find Tae Tae? I miss him..."


You forgot.

"And Tae Tae is another part of my job, I presume?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin, nodding furiously, clasps his hands in front of him. "He's one of my ferrets," the orange-head says. "And he ran away, just ten minutes ago. Please find him."

"A ferret, hm?" Namjoon closes his eyes and spreads his hands out, palms facing the ground in front of him. As his dark blonde brows furrow in concentration and his white teeth bite down on that ridiculously full lower lip, the tall and slender man's frame begins to sway from side to side, like a tree caught in the wind. A powerful wave of invisible force surges through you, and Jungkook flinches behind you as it passes through him next, before it's gone.

You catch Jimin's eye, and mouth 'what the heck was that?!'

He shrugs in response.

Only a moment later, Namjoon's eyes pop open. Those gorgeous dimples make an appearance with his pearly teeth. "Found him." Then the blonde man snaps his fingers.

And Taehyung appears out of thin air.

Everyone in the room, excluding Namjoon, lets out some variation on the bewildered squeal that flees your mouth at the suddenness of Taehyung's presence.

Even Taehyung squeaks in surprise when he finds himself among you.

But after that, no one gives anymore thought to how Namjoon pulled in the ferret like a rabbit out of a hat.

Instead, all you can look at is Tae's outfit.

Gone are the ill-fitting clothes from his escape, which was a mere fifteen minutes ago.

Now he's got on a strappy red dress with black polka dots all over, and a pair of ladybug wings sewn to the back like a limp cape. Under the fire-engine red dress is a pair of white athletic shorts. His white-blonde hair has been pulled into a painful tight ponytail on one side of his head, sticking straight up in the air.

And the makeup.

Bright red lipstick is smeared across his full mouth, and messy dark eyeliner is on his eyelids.

Are those tears in his eyes?

What the actually heck?

When Taehyung sees Jimin, he lets out a sob.

"JIMINIE!! I'm so sorry, I'll never run from you again! Don't make me go back outside, please."

"Tae?" Jimin gasps as he holds the other in a tight embrace. "What happened to you?!"

"Look how cuuuttteee!!" Jin screeches.

"I literally do not understand what's going on here," you say to no one.

Namjoon gives you a nod. "Me neither. All I know is that I'm not helping any of you till we get these boys some clothes that actually look good. They're fashion disasters, and they're hurting my eyes."

Just got wifi back today, so here's the chapter I've been working on for forever. Sorry if it's kinda chaotic

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