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Author's POV

"~I think you're a strong person," Yoongi said, as he and Jackson sat on the bench in the filled park, both holding unto their ice tea.

"I don't think so," Jackson shook his head.

"You are, Jackson. I don't think a lot of people will be able to leave him like that."

Jackson chuckled, and raised his cup to his lips.

"Really tho," Yoongi joined in the laugh. "He didn't even have the courtesy to break up with you, before jumping to another guy, and you kept waiting for him to return. That's just sad."

"I'm over it," Jackson flashed a soft smile.

He wasn't over it. He tried to motivate himself daily by saying he'd forget Bambam and not be hurt anymore but it was really easier said than done.

Even sitting with Yoongi, who was an amazing guy, out here he still thought about Bambam, about the times they shared in Seoul together. There were memories that couldn't easily fade away, they were deep rooted.

Yoongi smiled and looked straight ahead. He'd been there before, Jackson wasn't over it. Maybe gradually he'd get over it, but for now, he was still hurting, and Yoongi wanted to help him.

Yoongi abruptly got up, making Jackson look at him.

"Let's go," Yoongi said.

"Go where?"

"You'll see."

15 minutes later, both boys were walking into a karaoke house. Yoongi pulled Jackson into an empty room and shut the door. He let out an exhale and then turned to Jackson.

"All yours."

"What? What's this?" Jackson asked, amusingly.

"Whenever I feel down, I always come her to sing out my sadness. And when I leave, I leave with my spirit lifted high," Yoongi explained.

"You've been here before?" Jackson could only imagine what had made Yoongi down, it must have been really bad.

Yoongi nodded. "Plenty of times."

"How'd you know I'm down? I told you I was fine."

"I've been in your shoes, Jackson. I know you're not fine. You don't have to pretend here, okay? Just let go of all your feelings," Yoongi said, the last sentence sounding like a cheer as he went to setup the machine.

Jackson walked to the middle of the room.

"I'll start first," Yoongi said as a song started to play and he soon got into it, shouting into the mic and jumping all around.

Jackson laughed, watching how goofy Yoongi was acting with the mic, imitating musicians badly.

Soon, Yoongi gave the mic to Jackson, who was hesitant but took it.

"Remember," Yoongi said. "Let it out."

Jackson nodded.

His first song was unbreak my heart by Celine Dion. He had cried through the music and after four depressing songs, which Jackson had cried through all, Yoongi decided it was enough.

Yoongi grabbed the second mic and played Taylor Swift's We Are Never Getting Back Together, which really lifted Jackson's spirit. He sang as though he were talking to Bambam, pointing in all directions and hitting his chest.

After the song played two more times, Jackson on his own played Little Mix's Shout Out To My Ex. This song drove Jackson crazy, he felt relieved as he screamed and bade his feelings for Bambam goodbye through the song.

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