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Jackson's POV

Aunt Hawon drove us to her house, during the drive she kept talking about how much fun I was going to have in Seoul, and the beautiful places there were to visit.

I was more than excited really, I couldn't wait to start over again here with nothing to remind me of Bambam. I had deleted all our texts convo, his number, I deleted all the photos of him from my Instagram and Facebook accounts, even his contact. I was going to start again, and nothing was going to bring me down.

"We're almost home, Jackie. Are you excited?" Aunt Hawon asked, swiftly turning to give me a smile.

"Neh, I'm so excited. I feel coming here was a good idea," I said looking straight ahead at the street we just turned into.

"I'm glad, baby. You'll feel a lot more better when Youngjae takes you around. Maybe you'll find a handsome boy here in Seoul to fill that void in your heart."

"Uh, I don't know about that just yet. I just want to take it slow for now," I informed.

"Of course, just focus on fixing yourself for now. Arache?"

"Deh, ma'am," I said making her chuckle. "Woah, daebak!"

My aunt soon pulled over in front of a house.

My aunt soon pulled over in front of a house

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"You like it?" She asked as she honked.

"It's beautiful," I said coming down, feeling already welcomed.

The house was so cool, plus the houses around looked really expensive.

I walked to the trunk of the car, still overwhelmed by the beauty of the traditional houses I was seeing. I lifted the trunk and reached for my luggage.

"Jackson!" I heard as I turned to find Youngjae, my cousin, racing over to me.

"Youngjae!" I screamed and ran to wrap my arms around him. He was my best cousin, plus he was just a year younger than me.

"Wow! Long time no see," He said with his hands still around me.

"I know, it's been years. 4 years I think, you look so good. You've lost so much weight," I said eyeing him up and down. He used to be a bit chubby when we were kids but now he could pass as a kpop idol.

Youngjae chuckled, "You're talking about me, look at you. Where the hell did the muscles come from? You look like a bouncer, man."

I laughed at his comment, "Really? Thanks, man."

"It's good to have you here. Mum says you're going to be staying a while with us," He said.

"Yeah, I just needed a change of environment," I said.

"I heard what your douche of an ex did, I'm glad you're okay," He squeezed my shoulder soothingly.

"Yeah," I nodded.

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