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Okay, Mark looks so cute in that picture. Like how can he be so beautiful?? Arghhhh!!!!
*coughs* back to business.

Jackson's POV

As soon as Youngjae and I got to the coffeeshop, I noticed a range rover in front of Jaebum hyung's car. Who was here this early? I thought as I went in with Youngjae.

"Hey, Rose." Youngjae said as she waved at us.

"Hey." I said. "Is Mark here?"

"Yeah, you can go ask him for your shirt." Rose said as I went to the locker room.

I opened the door to the door and saw Mark with a guy.

"Annyeong." I said bowing a bit.

"Hey." The other guy said and that's when I looked at him well. He looked so familiar but I don't know where I knew him from.

"Uh, Mark, I'll be going." The boy said as Mark nodded.

"I'll see you later. Just do as I told you." Mark said.

"Thanks, Mark. Bye."

"Bye, Yugyeom."

My eyes widened as I heard that name. Now, I know where I know him from. He's Bambam's boyfriend, the model, Kim Yugyeom.

"Excuse me." I said when the guy was walking out.

He stopped and turned to me.

"Deh?" He asked.

"Are you Kim Yugyeom?" I asked.

"Um, deh. Do I know you?" He smiled as I felt my heart drop.

I can't believe I met him in real life. The one that stole my Bambam's heart away from me. Well, I can see why Bambam likes him. He's really good looking.

"Uh, ahni," I shook my head and forced a chuckle. "I just recognised you. I follow you on Instagram." I lied.

His smile widened, "Oh, really? Komawo. So, you're a fan?"

"Yeah," I lied again.

He chuckled, "Woah, so I have such good looking fans. You want a picture with me?"

I wanted to say no, but the dude was acting really nice and I didn't want to seem rude, so I just nodded.

"Okay," He nodded.

I got out my phone from my back pocket and he moved closer to me. I took the photo of both of us, and he took my phone to look at it.

"Cool," He said. "Tag me on the picture, okay?"

I nodded.

"Okay, bye.... Uh, what's your name?"

"Jackson," I said.

He patted my shoulder, "Bye, Jackson."

And with that, he left. I just stood there looking at the door he just went through. I can't believe that's the guy that won my Bambam over. He looks like a really nice guy tho maybe that's why Bambam fell for him. But I'm also a nice guy, right? Even if he wanted to date Yugyeom, he would have respected me enough to break up politely but now we're not even officially broken up. That's why it feels like he's actually cheating on me.

"J-Jackson, are you crying?" I heard Mark ask as I touched my face to see that it was wet.

"U-uh, ahni." I stuttered wiping away my tears and clearing my throat.

"Obviously, you were. What happened between you and Yugyeom?" He asked as I looked away before shaking my head.

"I'm just his fan. And I got something in my eyes that's why the tears came out." I said forcing a smile.

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