Author explains...

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Through out the series you've read about how I've called at Med the rooms in the ED "cells" or when Shaylynn became friends with Molly (the little girl in the hospital with Cystic Fibrosis) and I called her oxygen mask a breathing mask.   Or why I call the Common room at Firehouse 51 the Common area, these things I will explain.

First, my Mom had Cystic Fibrosis.   She was in and out of the ER (what it's called at the hospital she would go to) so much that the rooms through out the emergency room started feeling like Cells to her and that's what she started calling them. 

When she had to wear a oxygen mask, she hated calling it that because it sounded so formal to her.  Instead she called it a breathing mask because that's what it was helping her do, breathe.

As for the Common room at the Firehouse, my Great Uncle was the Fire Chief in my home town while I was growing up.   He's the one who called where everyone gathered the Common area, that's were I got it from. 

If there's anything else you have questions about, please feel free to leave a comment. :)

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