Chapter 1 "BROKEN"

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Severide wakes up, but wishes he could go back to sleep. Today is the day he meets with his lawyer.
He's been crashing with Tony since day one when Shaylynn had him served with the divorce papers.
Getting out of bed he heads to the bathroom to get a quick shower. He walks out of the bathroom and over to the closet. No way is he dressing up, so he pushes his suit out of the way.
Grabbing some clothes, he puts them on and runs his fingers through his hair.
He looks in the mirror above the dresser and determines his hair is good enough.
Severide walks out of Tony's apartment, straight to his car.
He has some extra time to kill, so he drives by the house. Severide parks, gets out and stares at it. 

He looks down at his watch and decides he better hurry up not knowing what the traffic downtown is going to be like

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He looks down at his watch and decides he better hurry up not knowing what the traffic downtown is going to be like.

Severide parks in the parking garage that's next to the office building where his lawyers office is located.
Making his way up to the sixteenth floor, he sees his lawyer walking toward him.
"We're going down here" the lawyer tells Severide.
He follows his lawyer down the hallway. When they come to the room, Severide looks in and sees a very long table.

"Why are we going in here for?" Severide asks the lawyer while he follows him into the conference room

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"Why are we going in here for?" Severide asks the lawyer while he follows him into the conference room.
"Have a seat" the lawyer says to Severide.
He pulls out a chair and sits down, the lawyer sits down beside him.
"We're in here because we're meeting with Shaylynn and her lawyer" he tells Severide.
"WE'RE WHAT?!" Severide says to him, "I thought this meeting was just us?"
"Her lawyer and I thought it would be best for all of us to meet. They've also have come up with some terms that would be best to get taken care of right away" his lawyer tells him.
Severide just stares at him not sure about this.

Shaylynn and the guys are getting ready to go undercover.
"Hey Shaylynn, go stand over there so I can get your picture!" Rob tells her.
She walks over to where Rob wants her. Right as he's taking the picture, she poses.
Rob looks down at his phone...
"Really, Shaylynn?!" he asks her.
She looks at him and sticks her tongue out, then smiles.
"You know how much I HATE these undercover photos!" she tells him.
"Yes, I know! But they've come in handy when one or more of us are taken in by the local police and we prove who we actually are" he says to her.
Dan walks over to where they are, "Shaylynn, you better hurry up or you're going to be late for your appointment with your lawyer."
Shaylynn's smile quickly turns into a frown. Seeing this, Rob smacks Dan in the back of the head.
"OUCH! What?" he says to Rob.
"We might as well all go! After you're done, we can go and do our undercover work!" Butch tells Rob, Dan and Shaylynn as he and Dave walk up to them.
Shaylynn doesn't say anything, she walks to Butch's SUV and gets in. The others get in and Butch drives off.
"We need to head downtown" she tells Butch, "The lawyer said he would be waiting for me out front of 1460 North Michigan Avenue."
"Why aren't you going to his office?" Butch asks her.
"I don't know! If I knew, I wouldn't tell you!" she tells him.
Rob laughs.

Butch pulls up in front of the address. Shaylynn was right and her lawyer is standing there waiting on her.
"Call me when you're done" Butch tells her as she gets out.
"Yeah, yeah!" she tells him and closes the door.
She walks up to her lawyer, "Why are we meeting here?" she asks.
He starts walking toward the building, "We have some business to take care of here first" he tells her.
They walk into the office building and make their way up to the sixteenth floor.
The lawyer walks over to the receptionist and tells her who he is and who he's here to see. She tells him to head to the conference room down at the end of the hallway.
He walks back over to Shaylynn, "We're headed to the end of the hallway" he tells her.
She starts following him.
They reach a room that has a lot of windows, a huge table and then she sees him, Severide.
"You Bastard!" she says to her lawyer, "I told you I don't want to see him!"
"Shaylynn, you're going to have to see him at some point!" he tells her, "Might as well get it over with now!"
She rolls her eyes.
Her lawyer opens the door and holds it for her.
As Shaylynn walks in, Severide turns to see her and what she's wearing. His heart instantly starts beating faster.
Her lawyer pulls out a chair for her and pushes it in when she sits down. He sits down in the chair beside her.
Shaylynn looks across the table at Severide and really sees what he's wearing. She knows if he stands up and he has on his black jeans, she's a goner!
Her lawyer opens his briefcase and takes out two folders. He passes one to the other lawyer.
Both lawyers open the folders and take out the papers.
"I'm just going to get right to it, Ms. Severide will give Mr. Severide $10 million dollars, plus $1,000.00 each week for the amount of years they were married. He can choose whatever possessions he would like to have that were bought during the marriage. They will share custody of their two kids, Leslie Elizabeth Shay Severide and Taylor Marshall Severide" hearing their kids names tears a bigger hole in Shaylynn's heart. She leans over to her lawyer and whispers into his ear, he nods, "And Mr. Severide can visit with Savannah Judith Dalton anytime he wishes. As for the house, that will be sold off and the money will be split equally. If everyone is in agreement, we can get this taken care of now and not have to worry about going before a judge."
Shaylynn has her chin resting on her hand looking out the windows to avoid looking at Severide while her lawyer reads.
Severide's lawyer leans over and whispers in his ear, "I'M NOT SIGNING THESE PAPERS! I DON'T WANT THIS! Shaylynn, I LOVE YOU!" Severide says as he stands up.
Shaylynn is doing everything she can not to start crying.
Turning to the door, she grabs her purse and storms out, her lawyer following her.
He catches up to her, "Shaylynn, what are you doing?" he asks her.
"I'm leaving! This was your and the other lawyers fucking fault this happened!" she tells him.
Shaylynn looks pass her lawyer and sees Severide running toward them.
"SHIT!" she says and takes off toward the stairwell.
Severide sees her and takes chase.
She gets down a few flights of stairs before Severide catches up with her.
He grabs her, pushes her up against a wall and starts kissing her.
Shaylynn pushes him away, "Kelly, stop!" she tells him.
He pushes up against her again and starts kissing her.
She pushes him away again and slaps him, "KELLY, I SAID STOP!"
Severide stares at her, "Why are you doing this to us?" he asks.
"I told you, I don't love you!" she tells him with tears starting to fill her eyes, "Just leave me alone, Kelly!" she tells him taking off down the stairwell.

Shaylynn makes it down a few more flight of stairs, when she comes to a door, walks through it, into a different office.
She starts crying.
People in the office look over at her, "What?" she asks them.
A woman in her late 60's walks over to Shaylynn, "Sweetie, are you okay?" she asks.
"No..." Shaylynn tells her.
"What's wrong, Sweetie?" the woman asks her.
"I'm dying...." Shaylynn tells the woman.
The woman gets a surprised look on her face, "What are you dying of, Sweetie?"
Shaylynn looks at the woman with tears in her eyes and on her cheeks, "A BROKEN heart!"
The woman grabs Shaylynn and hugs her.

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