Chapter 32 "Will Never Forget Their Faces"

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"How did you meet him?" Severide asks Shaylynn.
"It's a long story" she tells him.
Severide looks around, "Aren't you missing a few people and a couple of dogs?"
"Yeah, that's part of the long story. They'll be here in a little bit. Sam had to talk to the State Patrol" she tells Severide.
He gives Shaylynn a very disapproving look, "Shaylynn, what happened? What did you do if you're here and they aren't? I just noticed your hair is all messed up?"
"Remember what I told you at the house, two guys must have followed us from the hotel. I bet they thought they were going to take me out while going down the freeway and make it look like road rage" she tells him.
"Shaylynn...." Severide says to her.
"THEY SHOT INTO THE LIMO! What was I suppose to do, just sit there? What if they had hit Sam and Aimee-Leigh?" she says to him.
"What do you mean by just sit there? Shaylynn, what did you do?" he asks her.
"I might have climbed out the moonroof and got on the back of a motorcycle, chasing after the guys. That's how Nicky came into all this. He got me up to the SUV the guys were in, I took them out, pulled the SUV over to the side before any innocent life was lost. Unfortunately the driver of the limo was hit when they shot into the limo" she says.
Severide shakes his head, "You can't keep doing things like that! You have three kids to think of! What if something happened to you? What would I have told them?"
Shaylynn looks at him with a pissed off look, "What part of, I couldn't just sit there, don't you understand?! My sister and niece were in that limo! I'm not a damsel in distress! If I can handle a situation, I'm going to handle it! I WAS a Marine at one time! First ones in, LAST ones out! You should know that motto well!" she says to him angrily, "You of ALL people know how dangerous things can get! But it seems like it's alright for you and your job, but not for me! I'm going to go to the bathroom. Keep an eye out for Accardi and Sam!"
Shaylynn stands up and starts walking off to look for a bathroom.
Severide sits back in the chair and runs his hands through his hair.

After a few minutes Shaylynn comes back. She picks up a magazine, sits down and starts looking at it, while she waits for the others.
Severide can tell that she's pissed off at him for questioning what she did. He just sits there and keeps his mouth shut. It's the best thing to do if they both want to enjoy the next couple of days.

A little while later, Accardi and Sam show up. When Sam walks up to Shaylynn, she can tell she's pissed. She figures Shaylynn told Severide what happened and he wasn't happy about it. That he voiced his opinion, which most likely wasn't the best thing to do.
Because of that, Sam decides to drop the subject about what happened.
Seeing that Accardi and Sam have arrived, Shaylynn stands up and walks over to them. Accardi hands Zeus' leash over to her.
A worker for the airport brings in their bags.
Shaylynn gets into hers and pulls out a Service Dog vest for Zeus. Showing that he's a Service Dog and a MWD so she can walk him through the airport without a problem.
Sam walks over to Severide and gives him a hug, "Make up with her. You know how she is when family is in harm's way" she whispers into his ear.
She steps back from Severide and looks at him, "Okay" Sam says.
Severide nods at her.
Accardi walks over, "Sam, I have our tickets" he tells her.
Severide looks at him weird, "Tickets?" he questions Accardi.
"Sam, Aimee-Leigh, and I are flying back to Chicago first class. You and Shaylynn are taking the jet" Accardi tells him.
"Why?" Severide asks him.
"Because of Zeus. A dog his size they would want to crate and put with the baggage. I hate seeing animals treated that way!" Accardi says.
Shaylynn hugs Accardi, "Thanks for this and for thinking of Zeus!" she tells him.
Accardi smiles at her, "It's the least I could do with you doing what you did for me in the memory of my wife!"
Shaylynn then hugs Sam, "Stay safe!" she says.
"Try and have some fun!" Sam tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at her.
"When you get to the counter, tell them where you want to go. It will probably take them 20-30 minutes to make the flight arrangements" Accardi tells Severide and Shaylynn.
Accardi and Sam walk off to their gate.
Severide and Shaylynn start walking through the airport to reach the section where you go to get to the private jets.

A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now