Chapter 4 "LA, LA, LA"

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After things cooled down, Severide told Stone to tell Shaylynn she can keep the house since her vault was there. And to try to make sure the kids are affected as little as possible over the divorce.

Another month goes by.

At Firehouse 51, a new shift starts.
Tony and Capp are sitting around the Squad table.
Cruz is done changing and walks out into the stalls, up to them. He pulls out a chair and sits down.
Capp notices he has a strange look on his face, "Cruz, what's wrong with you?"
Cruz snaps out of his fog and looks at Capp, "Remember when Severide told us that Shaylynn has been doing some undercover work?"
"Yeah, what about it?" Capp asks him.
"I found out what that undercover work was!" Cruz tells him.
Tony turns toward Cruz and starts really listening to hear what Shaylynn has been doing.
Capp laughs at him, "Really?! Just how did YOU find out?"
"The girl I've been seeing left some things behind last night that got mixed up with my stuff. When I was in the locker room and pulled my stuff out of my bag to put in my locker, her stuff fell on the floor. When I picked the stuff up, something caught my attention. I looked at it and SOMETHING really jumped out at me....." Cruz pauses.
"AND!" Capp says to Cruz.
Cruz slides a little book across the table to Capp. When Capp sees the cover, he looks back up at Cruz.
"Pages 10 and 11" Cruz tells him.
Capp opens the book to those pages and can't believe what he's seeing.
The doors coming out to the stalls open and Severide starts walking over to the table.
"Capp! Hurry up and put it away! Severide's coming!" Cruz tells him.
Capp hurries and tries to put the book in his pocket when it falls on to the floor as Severide walks up.
Severide bends down and picks the book up, looks at it and smiles.
"Capp, are you looking for some new lingerie?" Severide asks him with a little laugh while flipping through the book.
All of sudden something catches Severide's eye and he flips back a couple of pages.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" Severide says pissed off.
"Stay calm! Remember you said they went under cover. You know Shaylynn wouldn't just go out and do something like that!" Cruz says to Severide.
"I bet that has to do with the sex trafficking" Capp says.
Severide takes a few deep breaths, he pulls out his phone.
"Rob! Can you tell me why I'm looking at my wif..." he catches himself, "Why I'm looking at Shaylynn in a lingerie book?"
"Really?!" Rob says to Severide almost seeming happy, "What's the name on the front?" Rob asks him.
Severide looks at the cover, "LA, LA, LA" he tells Rob.
"Can you go online and order the lingerie?" Rob asks.
Severide looks back in the book, "No! It just gives a description."
"What do you see on the back?" Rob asks him.
Severide flips the book over, "An address. It says if interested in any of the lingerie, to come see it in person and try it on" he tells Rob.
"WE'VE GOT THEM!" Rob yells away from the phone, "We'll stop by and get the book."
Severide walks away from the Squad table, "Can't I just keep it?" he asks in a hushed tone.
Rob let's out a little snicker, "Yes, you can keep it! Just give me the address."
Severide tells the address to Rob.

Shaylynn and the guys raid the "lingerie" shop and finally get a break! They capture Hicks!
As Hicks walks into Cook County jail, Shaylynn gets a HUGE smile on her face.
"It's nice to see you smile!" Rob says to her.
"I'm happy to finally see that bastard get what he deserves and he can't do anything to Sam! He also isn't living across the street from me any longer!" she says to Rob.
Just as Hicks is about ready to walk through Cook County's doors, he turns around and gives Shaylynn a huge grin, then winks at her.
"What the hell was that about?" Dan questions.
"I don't know, but I don't like it!" Butch says.

A couple more months go by.

"Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, Smoke, 2238 South Throop Street"
The crews head out to the stalls, load up and head out.
When they arrive at the address, Boden sees the building is nine stories tall.
The crews unload, with Severide and Casey walking over to Boden.
"With the structure being nine stories, teams will have to pair up. Casey, one of your teams will have to have three. I don't want one person going off alone" Boden tells Casey and Severide.
They both nod to him and walk back to their trucks.
"Listen up!" Severide says, "Capp, Cruz head to the fourth floor. Tony you're with me and we're heading to the third floor."
All of Squad gets their equipment and starts heading into the building.
"Herrmann, Mouch take the second floor! Kidd, Otis you two are with me and we're taking the first floor" Casey tells them.
They get their equipment on and head inside.
Two minutes in, Boden hears Casey and Severide yelling over the radio.
Boden then hears more yelling.
Casey comes rushing out of the building with Kidd and Otis hot on his heels. He heads straight toward Boden.
"You need to get the bomb squad here! There's a bomb inside!" Casey tells Boden.
Boden looks behind Casey to see Herrmann, Mouch and all of Squad come out of the building.
Severide rushes over to Boden, "There's a bomb inside on the third floor!"
Casey and Boden both look at each other, "You found a bomb on the third floor?" Casey questions Severide.
"Yeah! Why?"
"We found one on the first floor!" Casey says.
"There's five more floors left! There might be a bomb on all of them or on every other floor!" Severide says.
"Chicago only has four bomb squads. Hopefully we won't need them all, but I'm going to request all of them!" Boden tells his Lieutenants.
"Did either of you get a look at the timer?" Boden asks.
"The one on the third floor said 30 minutes before we pulled out" Severide tells Boden.
"What about yours?" Boden asks Casey.
"One on the first floor said the samething!" Casey tells him.
Boden puts in the call for the Bomb Squads.
They're there in 5 minutes.
The Bomb Squad Commander comes walking up to Boden as his guys get suited up.
"We know for sure there's a bomb on the first and third floor. None were reported seen on the second and fourth floor. One of my Lieutenants seems to think there might be a bomb on every other floor" Boden tells him.
"I'll get my men on it!" the Commander tells Boden.
The Commander walks over to his men, tells them what Boden told him and they head inside.
Two guys go straight to the first two bombs that were discovered, while the other two guys head up to the other floors to search and see if there are any other bombs.
Guy 3 comes over the radio, "I did a search of the fifth and sixth floor, there's a bomb on the fifth floor. I'm heading to it now!"
A few minutes later Guy 4 radios out, "There's a bomb on the seventh and ninth floor. I'm on the seventh floor now and will take care of this one first!"
The Commander looks at Boden, "Of course there would be five bombs! It's like whoever did this knew that Chicago only had four Bomb Squads."
A big black truck pulls up.
Dave gets out of the driver side and walks to the back and opens the back doors.
Shaylynn walks off the truck with "Henry" on.
Boden and the Commander walk over to them.
"Just what do you think you're doing?" the Commander asks her.
"Dave was monitoring your radios and heard there are five bombs and you only have four guys, so you need me!" she tells the Commander.
He looks at Boden, then looks back at her, "You have experience with defusing bombs?" the Commander questions Shaylynn.
"If I didn't, I wouldn't be here!" she tells him with a glare.
"Alright Shaylynn, everything is up and running!" Dave tells her from inside the truck.
"What's up and running?" the Commander asks as he looks inside.
"Everything that I see, will be transmitted back here. That way Dave can see everything also. He might catch something I might miss" she tells him.
"Shaylynn, you better be heading in! You have nine flights of stairs to climb" Dave tells her.
She heads over to the door and puts her helmet on.
Severide turns around just in time to see her walk inside the building. He rushes over to the truck, "Why is Shaylynn going in for?" he asks Dave.
"Because she can handle this! Butch isn't around, so it's Shaylynn who goes in!" Dave tells him.
Severide stands there worried.
After two minutes, Shaylynn radios out to Dave, "I'm on the ninth floor" then video of what she's seeing appears on the screen.
"Patch me into the Bomb Squads frequency" she tells Dave.
He does just that.
She can hear the other guys talking about how they've diffused their bombs.
Shaylynn walks over to the bomb on her floor. She looks at the timer, the fuses and the C4.
"Dave, can you see this?" she asks him.
"Yes, what's wrong?" he radios back to her.
"Something isn't right! This doesn't look like C4" she tells him as she picks it up.
"Shaylynn, what the hell are you doing?" Dave asks.
She doesn't respond.
Dave can see that she's looking at the fuses. She pulls one off.
"Dave, this isn't C4" she says as she takes a wrapper off a brick, "They're nothing but fake bombs!" she tells him.
The Commander, Boden and Severide look at each other. Radioing out to his men, the Commander tells them to inspect the C4 to see if it's fake.
All four of them radio back that their C4 is fake.
"I smell something!" Shaylynn radios out.
"What do you smell?" Dave asks looking concerned.
Shaylynn looks around, "To the bomb squads, are there four wooden barrels close by you?"
They all radio back that there is.
Shaylynn walks over to her barrels. She picks up a lid and looks in to see another bomb.
"Shaylynn, what is it?" Dave radios out in a panic.
"IT'S A CHEMICAL BOMB! AND THE INGREDIENTS ARE MIXING!" she tells him as the first floor explodes.
One by one the third floor, fifth floor, seventh floor and ninth floor explode shooting flames out the windows sending pieces of glass to the ground below.
"SHAYLYNN!!!!!" Severide yells.
Boden is on the radio requesting extra companies for assistance along with extra ambulances.
Dave is getting his suit on to go in and search for Shaylynn. As he heads in, Severide was gearing up to follow him, but Boden stops him.
"NO! You're too close to this and you know it! You're staying out here!" Boden tells him.
Severide sees everyone else gearing up and heading in.
Within minutes the other companies and ambulances arrive.
They all get out of their trucks and gear up and walk over to Boden.
Boden informs them that it's a Search & Rescue. That there is someone on the first, third, fifth, and seventh floor.
They all head inside.
Minutes later Casey and Herrmann come out with one guy, "He's from the first floor" Casey tells Boden and they take him to an ambulance.
Otis, Kidd and Mouch come out next, "The guy on the third floor didn't make it!" Mouch tells Boden as they walk off toward Truck.
Tony, Cruz and Capp come out carrying a guy, "He's from the fifth floor" Tony tells Boden as Cruz and Capp take him to an ambulance.
The guys from the other companies come out with no one.
"The guy on the seventh floor is gone!" one guy tells Boden.
Severide keeps waiting and waiting for Dave to come out with Shaylynn, but nothing.
Boden looks at him, "I'm sending you in to help recover the guy on the third floor. You ARE NOT to go past the third floor, do you understand?!"
Severide shakes his head yes and heads over to Squad to get his gear. He puts it on and walks into the building.
After he's inside, the Intelligence Unit pulls up.
Boden watches as they get out and sees Sam is with Hank.
She and Hank rush over to Boden, "Is it true that Shaylynn's inside?" she asks him panicking.
"Yes, she's inside. Dave went in to get her" Boden tells them.
"That's if she's still alive!" Hank says pissed off.
Sam hits Hank on the arm, "DAD! Don't say that!" she looks back at Boden, "What was it?" she asks.
"At first they thought it was bombs with C4. That was until Shaylynn went in and discovered the C4 was fake. Then she smelled something. Apparently the REAL bomb was in wooden barrels close by. From what I can figure out, when the fake bomb was messed with, this triggered the ingredients for the real bomb to start mixing" Boden tells her.
"OH SHIT! These were chemical bombs?!" Sam says to Boden.
He shakes his head yes.
"I'll have to call some FBI agents in for this. I can also call the CDC if you want me to?" she asks Boden.
He looks at her, "Already did it" he says.
They all see something out of the corner of their eyes and turn around. It's Dave walking out carrying Shaylynn.
Dawson and Brett rush over to him with a gurney. He lays Shaylynn on it and starts taking "Henry" off of her. Once henry is off, Dawson and Brett rush Shaylynn over to the ambulance and load her up.
"I'm going to the hospital with her!" Sam says to Hank.
Hank nods at her and Sam rushes over to the ambulance, hops in, then Tony closes the doors.
The ambulance takes off with sirens blaring.
Hank walks over to Alvin, "I'm heading to the hospital also. You're in charge!" Hank says as he gets into his car and drives off.
Hank is gone for a minute when Severide walks out helping carry the guy from the third floor.
He walks over to Tony, "As Shaylynn been brought out yet?" he asks.
"Yes! She's on her way to Med" Tony tells him.
Severide gets a relieved look on his face as he sees Stone pull up.
Stone gets out and rushes over to Severide, "I heard that Shaylynn was inside. Did she make it out alright?" he asks Severide as Lindsay walks up to them.
"She came out, but I don't know if she's alright or not. It was chemical bombs that went off" Severide tells Stone.
Knowing a little about chemical bombs, Stone looks at Severide with a guilty face.
Lindsay sees this, "Peter, what's wrong?"
Stone shakes his head a little from side to side, "Oh my..." he stops and runs a hand through his hair.
"Peter! What is it?!" Lindsay asks him again aggressively.
He continues to shake his head, "Shaylynn might not make it..." he pauses again.
"PETER!" Lindsay yells at him.
Stone looks toward her and Severide who's sitting on the bumper of a truck, "I need to tell you this and have to say it now in case she doesn't make it" Stone says to Severide, "You and Shaylynn are still married!" Stone tells him then walks away as he sees Alvin waving him and Lindsay over.
Lindsay looks at Severide as she walks away, while Severide looks at her with a confused look.

Lindsay looks at Severide as she walks away, while Severide looks at her with a confused look

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A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Where stories live. Discover now