Chapter 14 "Conference Call"

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Out in Las Vegas the ladies have been out on the town all day.
They come back to their resort to rest up before going out for the night. As they walk down the hall to get to their villa, Lindsay sees someone walking toward them.
"Is that...?" Lindsay says as the person comes closer.
"SHAYLYNN!!!" Celine Dion yells walking faster toward the ladies.
Lindsay's eyes get big, "You know Celine Dion?" she asks Shaylynn.
"I've been to a few events she was at and was introduced to her" Shaylynn tells Lindsay.
"You must have made a huge impression for her to remember you!" Sam says.
"I let her shoot my rifles" Shaylynn tells Sam.
"You what?!" both Lindsay and Sam say at the same time.
"I took her out to the desert and let her shoot my automatic rifles. She had a blast!" Shaylynn tells the ladies as Celine walks up to them.
She grabs Shaylynn, kisses her on both cheeks, then gives her a hug.
"It's so nice to see you again!" Celine says to Shaylynn.
"It's nice to see you! Celine, I'd like to introduce to you my sisters, Samantha Voight and Erin Lindsay" Shaylynn says.
"It's so nice to meet you!" Celine tells Sam and Lindsay as she hugs them, "What brings you to Vegas?" Celine asks Shaylynn.
"A sister weekend getaway" Shaylynn tells her.
Celine looks at her surprised, "Oh! I figured you were out here for your birthday" she says.
Sam and Lindsay look at Shaylynn who has a surprised look on her face, "With everything that has been going on back home, I totally forgot about it!" Shaylynn says, "I'm surprised you remembered my birthday" she says to Celine.
"I have a memory like an elephant!" Celine says, then smiles, "I have to be going. It was great seeing you again!" she says to Shaylynn giving her a hug, "It was a pleasure meeting you ladies!" Celine says to Sam and Lindsay and gives them each a hug before walking away.
The three ladies continue walking to their villa.
"I can't believe I just met Celine Dion!" Lindsay says.
"I can't believe you forgot your birthday!" Sam says to Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at her, "With everything I have been through, thinking I was divorced then finding out I wasn't. Then things happening with Savannah to this last thing with Mr. Smith, my birthday just wasn't on my mind" she tells Sam as she opens the door to the villa.
They walk in. As they walk further into the villa, they notice two dozen white roses in vases sitting on a table.
Sam walks over to the roses and finds the card. She opens it.....
"Apparently Kelly didn't forget your birthday!" Sam tells Shaylynn holding out the card for her to take.
Shaylynn takes the card, reads it and smiles, "Let's rest up and get ready to hit the town again later tonight" she tells Sam and Lindsay.
Shaylynn starts walking toward the bedroom she's staying in. She takes out her phone, Sam and Lindsay can hear Severide on the other end. Shaylynn walks into her bedroom and shuts the door.
Sam rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "Conference call!" she tells Lindsay.
Lindsay gives Sam a weird look, Sam laughs at her, "You're going to have fun learning the pervert side of Shaylynn! She called Kelly, not a regular call, but a video call. It's his weekend to work. Since he answered the video call, I bet right now he's in his Officer's Quarters with the blinds shut..."
Lindsay holds up her hands in a time out position, "Alright! That's more than I need to know!"
Sam laughs and starts walking toward her bedroom, while Lindsay walks to her's.

Four hours pass, Sam and Lindsay are sitting out in the living room talking waiting for Shaylynn to come out of her room.
"Wow! Phone sex must really make one tired!" Sam says to Lindsay smiling.
Lindsay shakes her head at Sam.
Shaylynn opens her door and walks out. She sees Lindsay and Sam sitting there staring at her.
She walks past them and heads toward the kitchen.
When she comes back out to where they are, Sam is smiling at her.
"How was the phone sex?" she asks Shaylynn.
Shaylynn stops dead in her tracks and sticks her tongue out more than usual at Sam.
"Your phone fit in there?" Sam says, smiles, laughs while she pushes herself up off the couch knowing what's going to happen.
Shaylynn looks at her and takes off running after Sam.
Lindsay starts laughing at them.
Sam stops behind a table and looks at Shaylynn, "You better stop running around! Your boobs might pop out!"
Lindsay really starts laughing, Shaylynn gives Sam a look, "I get my hands on you, you're going into the pool!"
After messing around, they get ready to head out.

Walking out front of the resort, they get into a waiting limo. The limo drives off and within minutes it's pulling up in front of a theater.
The ladies get out of the limo, "What are we seeing?" Sam asks Shaylynn as they walk toward the doors.
Shaylynn hands three tickets to Sam.
Sam looks at them and squeals in delight!
Lindsay looks at Shaylynn with a confused look, "Sam? What are the tickets to?" Lindsay asks.
"LES MISERABLES!" Sam shouts out in excitement.
Lindsay looks back at Shaylynn, "A musical?" Lindsay asks her.
"Welcome to Sam's world!" Shaylynn says to Lindsay.
After Les Miserables is over, the ladies go out to eat and do a little more shopping.

Spending all day out and then most of the night, even with coming back to the resort to rest, the three ladies are exhausted when they return to their villa.
Lindsay heads off to bed as soon as they walk into the villa.
Sam follows Shaylynn into her bedroom, "I'm going to try on the things I bought to make sure they fit before we leave" Shaylynn tells Sam heading to the bathroom.
Shaylynn is in the bathroom for a minute when Sam yells at her, "Do you have the first thing on yet?"
"Yes!" Shaylynn yells back.
"Which is it?" Sam yells.
"The negligee" Shaylynn tells her.
Sam walks over to the door, opens it, and quickly takes a picture before Shaylynn knows what she did, then shuts the door.
A couple more minutes go by.
"Have you put the other one on yet?" Sam yells again.
"Yes!" Shaylynn says.
"I wanna see!" Sam says as she walks over to bathroom door.
Shaylynn turns around as Sam opens the door, she takes a picture.
"Sam, what the hell are you doing?" Shaylynn asks with a questioning look.
"I'm going to send this to Kelly!" Sam says, smiles, laughs and starts running toward her bedroom.
"SAM!" Shaylynn yells at her, but it's too late.
Sam is already in her bedroom with the door locked.

Back in Chicago it's 2 o'clock in the morning. Severide is woken up by his phone.

Sam: We went out to eat and got Shaylynn a birthday cake. She was threatening Erin to stop lighting the candles.

Sam: After dinner we went out shopping some more. Shaylynn bought these for her birthday, but I think they're more for you.....

Sam's phone goes off, she sees Severide has sent her a text.

Shaylynn's Meat: Thanks, Sam! I'll never get back to sleep after seeing those pictures!

Severide is about ready to put his phone down, when it vibrates in his hand.


Severide laughs to himself while he puts his phone down and TRIES to get back to sleep

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Severide laughs to himself while he puts his phone down and TRIES to get back to sleep.



Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
A City Of Heroes, ONE Chicago #3 (Chicago Fire)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin